
For the Single and Loveless One

Image from Pixabay

For the single and loveless one,
for the one who walks alone;
For the one who seeks and cannot find,
for the one who cannot make it home.

For the one who aches for true love’s kiss,
for the one who sleeps in the cold;
For the one whose pain cannot be healed,
for the one whose tears you dare not hold.

For the one who bleeds like rain,
for the one whose heart is in pain;
For the one whose touch is repulsed,
for the one whose feet are scarred.

Take heart and see the path you’ve walked,
Rewind the days that made you strong.
Look up and find the sky has cleared,
as birds surround you with their song.

Your wounded heart has been enlarged,
and now greater love can find its way.
Your deepest sorrows shall be your joy,
as your darkest nights shall turn to day!


How Could a Song Make Me Cry?

Image by Ri Butov from Pixabay

How can a song suddenly just make me cry?
How can a song whose language
I don’t even understand
speak so closely to my heart,
perhaps more intimately
than the words my mind
could possibly comprehend,
more deeply
than if I had made up the words myself.
It’s as though they came
from a distant memory I tried to forget,
or to an unspoken dream I’ve always had.
How could it touch a wound I couldn’t even see
or heal the broken parts
I never even thought could mend?
There is more to the soul than what we bare,
there is more to life than the masks we often wear.
Sometimes, it’s a simple song that reveals it to us,
a melody that’s like a long-lost friend,
it’s okay to cry,
assuring us
we were never truly alone.


Sometimes I Need an Older Song

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

Sometimes I need an older song,
A song that understands
Who I am and where I’ve been,
A song that grew with me
And felt with me
That never left me
All these years.

Sometimes I need an older song,
A song that can make me feel
Where I came from
And where I belong,
A song that’s as warm
As an old coat or shoe
A song that fits and
Sticks like glue.

New songs come
And new songs go
But not all songs
Can touch you
The way that some
Songs do.

They remind you
Of that life,
Of that breath
Of that particular time
When life was simpler
When hearts were purer
And when you danced
And lived
And loved.


There Are No Guarantees In Life

There are no guarantees in life,
there is no assurance,
that the good things you have will remain,
that you will be protected from all pain.

There are no guarantees in life,
there is no promise,
that the dreams you dream will come true,
that you will have the life you pursue.

So take each day as it comes,
and seize each moment that is yours,
dance in the rain if you could,
bask in the sun if you would.

Don’t hold back the love you must give,
and learn to forget and forgive;
cry if you must yet don’t forget to laugh,
lift up your eyes and see the stars up above.

There are no guarantees in life,
so let go of your fears,
this is the day to live,
with all that you hold dear!


Yes, This Is Love Also

this is love also poem
Image by Blauth B. from Pixabay

Love is not only the fire
that consumes you,
the insatiable desire
to be with your beloved,
that cannot wait
and cannot stand ever still.

Love is also the simple warmth
shared between two hearts,
clasped hands that understand
without saying a word,
being still and staying close
without intruding
upon each other’s thoughts.

Love is not only the thunder
that rolls and screams,
that shouts to the world
how happy and proud it is,
that cannot contain
the bliss it feels.

Love is also the coolness of rain,
the tenderness
that washes away your pain
and gently remains through the years,
the love that lingers like the breeze,
and takes away your tears.

Love is strong, but it is also tender
Love speaks, but love listens more,
Yes, it is love also that which seems small
yet grows ever more and more,
Love is the brightly shining sun,
but love is also the shelter of the moon.