Dear Joyce

There is Always a God Who Sees


In times when I’m tempted to think I’m all alone… GOD SEES.

There is always a God who sees. He watches over us in all that we do. He sees us when we rise, when sleep, even when we dream. He sees more than what other people can see, even our most intimate friends. God truly sees, because God sees into our hearts.


I would like to let you know how much I admire you! And how great it is to find someone who thinks like you and has many of the same views on life. I have to say “Thank You” for now I don’t feel alone in this world. I was honestly beginning to wonder. But how I came across your sight was the single mothers prayer, it touched my heart in ways I could not even begin to express. I needed to read the single mothers prayer when my youngest child’s father left me when I was eight months pregnant and took everything I had for the child. Knowing I didn’t have the money to buy more. He never talked to me when he left. I was scared to death to have another child alone by myself. And people ask why? because it was never planned in my life by the author (ME) to have a child by myself. But it did happen with my oldest child. He knew the only two things I would not be able to stand would be me seeing him with another girl and me having his child with him not there. He deliberately made my two worst fears come true at the same time. It made me realize he was not the best thing for my children or my life.

He is still my child’s father as he will always be. But I have always thought you should love a woman and respect her because if it wasn’t for a woman you wouldn’t be here today. I don’t want to raise my son to think its okay for daddy to hurt mommy. My daughter is now 9 years old and my son is 19 months old, my daughter was there I had my son, not on purpose but my accident it all happened so fast with my son. Everything was totally different with him. I fought for his dad to be in his life, as people ask me why he wasn’t worth it. He might not be worth it for me, but to my son he is worth every bit of it. My son cant talk but I am his mother and I am left with that choice to make. No one else. Today, his father is currently attending college in Florida.

I live in Kentucky but my son sees his grandparents on a daily basis. I fought for my son to have a family instead of giving up. He is a happy healthy child. Now my daughter on the other hand, she doesn’t understand why I did what I did and maybe in time she will or possibly it is not something made for her to understand. And this is where I leave it up to God. So again, thank you for writing your inspirational blog about who you are and what you believe or I never would have found it, and I could have possibly checked myself into a mental hospital. Ha Ha. I know no one can define normal but some things people don’t understand scare them. I’m misunderstood very often. And was beginning to think I was wacko!

From Missy


Dear Missy,

Thank you for your trust in writing to me, Missy! And I’m glad that despite all the trials in your life, you’re still able to hang on and hope for a better future for your children. Many people may let us down, even those we love most, but let this not discourage us from trusting that life still holds something wonderful for us. God loves us. And that’s the most important thing.

For all the pain you’ve been through, you have not given up! You said that your worst fears have come true, and yet here you are, still courageously fighting for happiness and hope. Just continue in faith and never let go of your dream for your children.

Remember also that even if the people around us can’t understand us, there is Someone who does. God knows us even more than we know ourselves. He isn’t blind to our suffering, and He will be the one to give us strength to carry on.

Yours in Prayer,



There are times when I feel
as though nobody knows
what I’m going through –
how sad it is, how empty
how I struggle with pain
that almost overpowers me.
Yes there are times when I’m tempted
to think I’m all alone,

There are times when
I really thought I was doing something good
for someone I love
but then that loved one
and I feel as though every effort
I’ve made were in vain.
Yes, it felt so bad
and it seemed all my works were useless,

How often have we wanted
others to see who we truly are
or what’s really going on
deep down inside,
but try as we might
we are either rejected
or passed by unnoticed
as though we didn’t matter,
as though we weren’t there?

For all such times
and for all such hurts
may we always remember
that though people may fail to see
and may fail to know,
there is One who always knows,
who knows us so intimately.
Everyone else’s eyes may go blind,

Check Jocelyn's books:

"Of Waves and Butterflies: Poems on Grief", "Mend My Broken Heart", "Questions to God", "To Love an Invisible God", "Defending My Catholic Faith", and more - click here.

(You may freely quote excerpts from this website as long as due credit is given to author Jocelyn Soriano and the website

By Jocelyn Soriano

See her books like "Questions to God", "Mend My Broken Heart", "To Love an Invisible God", "Defending My Catholic Faith", "Of Waves and Butterflies: Poems on Grief" and more - click here.

Subscribe to Single Catholic Writer and get the free e-book "Single People Can Be Happy, Too!"
(You may freely quote excerpts from this website as long as due credit is given to author Jocelyn Soriano and the website

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