life after death

To Live Forever

Men have always wanted to live forever. We think as though if we could just find the elixir of life, we’d have also found the potion for eternal bliss. But living forever and living happily forever are two completely different things. In fact, given the chance to really live forever, I believe not few of us would soon regret having taken that chance. What is there to live forever for in 200 years? In 600? In a thousand or in ten thousand years? Wouldn’t we have been tired already of doing the same things over again? Of celebrating the holidays like we’ve always done before? Of doing the routines that would keep us fit, or even of inventing some new way of entertaining ourselves?

At one point or another, maybe we’d arrive at what Solomon says in Ecclesiastes- there is nothing new under the sun. We’d get tired of the cycles we’ve been so happy about before. We’d care not for the showers of spring, nor for the snow that falls in winter. We’d find the meaninglessness of everything. And as Buddhists believe, we’d realize that we’d soon desire to escape the endless suffering we’ve subjected ourselves into. The very thing we’ve desperately desired to possess, the one thing we’d have lusted for would have become our own curse.

For people who seek forever, let a contemplation be made on how that forever is going to be spent and for what need that would serve us all. If not, and if wishes were granted indeed, we may have just been praying for our own hell, a hell we may not be able to escape. There is nothing new under the sun, and everything is passing as this world is whose fate had already been set since its fall. Everything shall come to an end except for one thing, the only thing that needs nothing new under the sun. Indeed, what remains is LOVE, the only thing that yields not to death but makes all things eternal, beautiful and new.  🙂


Is God unjust to send people to hell?

Many people accuse God of being unjust

for sending people to hell

for all eternity.

Consider however these two things:

1.  It is not God who sends people to hell, but people who refuse God’s Mercy and wishes to proudly exalt themselves for all eternity.  After being enlightened of everything they need to know in order to decide, will they change their minds at all after they render their eternal choice?  Will they choose God above themselves?  Will they choose true Love instead of human wisdom and pride?

2.  Which God will be unjust?  The One who after a definite time shall separate the darkness from the Light?  Or the One who will forever choose to mingle the Light with the darkness that is not His?

Much of the suffering of people on earth is due to the dual nature of things upon this life.  Light and darkness, day and night, good and evil.  It is here where the good suffer for the evil things those of the darkness persist in doing.  Will a just God forever allow that the good suffer for the evil they have not done?

Haven’t you wondered then that out of all the evil things the current world has done, it has not yet reaped the frightening recompense it deserves?  Whence shall the day of Justice come at all?  In truth I say that this world has not yet suffered what it deserves only by virtue of God’s Mercy, and by virtue of God allowing the time for this duality of things to exist until the intended harvest is ripe.  In truth I say, it is by virtue of the suffering of the good that the evil in this world has not yet been exterminated.  Were it not for such, those living in darkness would have long ago received what they deserved.

life after death

Why is there eternal punishment in hell?

Many people ask
that if God is good,
why should He punish sinners
for all eternity in hell?
Isn’t this so much
and already unjust
in comparison
to the length of time
one has sinned on earth?

I believe that the eternity of hell
does not really depend on the weight of one’s sins
for no matter what the weight,
God can forgive us with His unfathomable Mercy.

No matter what the weight,
God can make us pay for it
and we can be released
after we have rendered what has been due.

But hell, as it is hell which is eternal
is not based on the weight
or in the multitude of one’s sins
but on the condition of one’s heart
when one has already received
all that is needed to be received
in order for the heart to make a choice

When the mortal man realizes
he is no longer mortal,
when the veil of time and space
had been lifted up and he sees,
when he becomes such a spirit
as the angels are,
he will render a judgment upon himself

and he will render an eternal decision
as the angels have made

Will he approach God’s Divine Mercy
and accept whatever punishment is due his sins?
Or will he despise all that is God’s
and turn to the light which is not Light
with those fallen stars
who will never
bow down again
unto Him
who is just
and who is Love.

life after death

Is Eternity a Curse?

Many people work tirelessly just to find out if there is indeed life after death. For the old alchemists, there is no greater joy than to find the elixir of life. In recent times, NDEs or near death experiences have become more prevalent and are sought for proof of the life beyond. We all seem to long for immortality, and not many are willing to accept that this life is all we’ve got.

But is eternity always a blessing? Shall we be happy to find out the mere fact that we are all eternal and that we shall never really die? Is that the end of all our sufferings?

Many Christians do not think so, for with the existence of eternal life and heaven, the existence of hell also comes into play. For Eastern Religions, too, the succession of never ending reincarnations seem more like a curse than a blessing, a curse that should be broken through enlightenment. For atheists, a vision of a life lived over again is empty compared to the valuable moment that will never pass our way again.

To some extent, I believe in that. In my own belief, “Hell” indeed is being stuck. This curse is hence symbolised by the circle, which is the false symbol of eternity and perfection. The circle is like the number zero, a life lived that merely goes back where it came from and amounts to nothing in the end. It is the eradication of the self and the absorption of everything into nothingness.


Perfection for me is symbolized by the infinity sign, a sign telling us that though life can be eternal, it is not zero, that though there can be unity, the separate persons embracing each other are not eradicated.


This infinity sign however was cut into two circles thru sin, hence, we were trapped in endless and meaningless cycles. We were separated from God and from perfectly loving each other. Hence came the bar between the two circles, a bar remedied by Jesus thru the cross. It is the cross that bridged the gap and restored perfection in infinity, a perfection of love, for where there is no love, there is no need for eternity.


This article was written by Jocelyn Soriano at  You are free to republish this article as long as original author is cited and a link back to this website is provided.

life after death

A Vision of Light, Darkness and Eternal Damnation

What do you see?

I see the Primeval Light, which is LOVE, encompassing the world, sustaining everything in it, offering Absolute Joy and Peace to all who will open up their hearts for Him.

How about darkness? Whence did it come from? Was it from the Light?

Light has nothing to do with darkness. Even in the beginning, light was separated from the darkness. Darkness is not created, only Light is, yet many choose to remain in darkness rather than be made part of the Light.

Why is there so much darkness in the world?

Light has come unto the world, but the world refused Him and chose to remain in Darkness. Nevertheless, the Light did not abandon the world, but provided a Flame that will seek out all who desire to come out of the darkness that they may be a part of the Light in the appointed time, when a separation of the Light from the Darkness shall be made once again.

When shall this separation commence?

The Time shall come like a thief in the night.

And what of this thief? How shall he separate the Light from the Darkness?

Those who have set themselves apart for the Light at the time appointed them shall be duly harvested, no one can snatch them away from their Lover.

And what of those who have not known their Love?

Their Lover awaits them, even unto the beyond. He will make known unto them that which had been concealed by the Darkness. He will wipe away the tears from their eyes and He will vanquish all their fears.

Does it mean then that all shall be saved?

Salvation is for all as Light is for all. Yet even in the beyond not all men look towards the Light. In stubbornness, men persist in their darkness and hide from the very One, the Only One who can bring True Light into the darkness of their hearts where they are.

This article was written by Jocelyn Soriano at  You are free to republish this article as long as the author and the site  are duly acknowledged.