dark night of the soul

Ten Steps of Love through the Dark Night

There had been so many interpretations of the DARK NIGHT OF THE SOUL that I deemed it an accountability to post what ST. JOHN OF THE CROSS wrote about it with utmost sincerity of heart in the light of the purest Grace that had been made available to man to understand heaven’s mysteries.

His writings had been quoted and misquoted a great number of times, perverted to infuse some truth into some subtle lies that seek only to deceive people.  Let none be fooled or misguided.

  • The dark night of the soul is a journey of the spirit, a journey of  love towards her greatest LOVE, who is GOD, a personal God that helps us along the difficult path of learning what it really means and what it really takes to be able to love fully.
  • The dark night of the soul is not about the eradication of the personality, but the transformation of the soul into a living likeness with Christ.  This likeness is unto a perfection of the capacity to give and receive love, and not to become mindless zombies with no personality of its own.
  • The dark night of the soul is not a meaningless state of confusion and depression because of sin or of rebelliousness, but of submitting one’s soul upon God’s hands, as a clay is submitted unto the hands of the Master Potter.  The soul is thus like the clay and becomes a master work of art, but it remains to be a creation of the Potter.
  • The dark night of the soul is a not a void or an empty place we are thrust into whenever we reach a spiritual depression after self-seeking spiritual ecstasies that leave us addicted from one encounter to another.
  • The purpose of the dark night is not the “spiritual high” of awareness or knowledge after we have been purged of our impurities, but a deeper loving intimacy with God. In this way, the dark night became a test of one’s faithfulness to that love even if the soul in no way receives the usual joys it experiences when one is in the presence of her greatest Love.

Having said the above points, we may now proceed to an excerpt of what St. John of the Cross wrote: