
I Will Take Care Of You

i will take care of you 2012

I will take care of everything,
you need not worry,
you need not fret,
focus only on what I guide you to do,
on what your heart also desires,
for when your heart delights in me,
our desires become one.

There will be a way
even if there seems to be no way yet,
mountains shall be moved,
and obstacles shall vanish,
in ways you could never have imagined them
to disappear.

But keep the faith,
carry on,
protect your joy,
and know that victory is yours,
not by your own strength,
but by my Spirit,
by my Grace and my great Love for you.


Let God Take Care of You

let god take care of you

I’ve learned that the reason for much of my struggles was that I don’t let God take care of me. I had always been the one to decide what’s best for me, and who and what could make me happy. It’s really frustrating and full of anxieties.

I will let God take care of me. I will let Him make me feel how much I am loved. I will let Him surprise me and show me things I have never known before.


God does not rush

God does not rush

I’ve learned that the Lord does not desire to rush me. Rather, He wants me to grow in His time, and so I must be patient.

Before He sends me forth, I know that there are some things He wants to deal with first. Though I thought I was prepared, He showed me I wasn’t ready yet. He made me come face to face with my weaknesses and I knew that it will take time.

I trust in Him however, that He will finish the good work He had begun!

Best Life Quotes daily motivational affirmations enlightenment forgiveness God Healing Words of Wisdom

Make Peace with Your Shadow



Make peace with your shadow. Unless you are able to,you will never dare venture in the light.


Let not another’s measure of happiness be your own measure.Judge not the things that can make you happy.


God does not take us only when we are lovable,but moreso when we are most in need of love.

God Words of Wisdom

Why doesn’t God intervene in man’s affairs?

One of the most common questions asked about God is this- If God is good, why doesn’t He intervene in the affairs of man? This is especially so when there is suffering or an evil that should have been stopped by a good God.

What might happen indeed when God intervenes:
· God stops us from getting sick
· God stops us from dying when attacked by others
· God stops us from sinning
· God stops others from sinning against us

As we might note, if God intervenes, He must consistently do so also in order not to be deemed as imperfect or as evil. And when He does, the Laws of this world He has created shall all be broken by the very One who created it. Freedom and freewill shall no longer be, and He will infringe upon the dignity of the man He has so created in His very own image.

The source of suffering in this life comes from two things
1. Suffering of the physical body
2. Suffering of the spiritual self

To what suffering then must God intervene for us all that we may deem Him Good and Perfect?

· As to remedying sin (cause of suffering of spiritual self), Love cannot be forced
· As to remedying physical illness and death (cause of suffering of physical body), it would be a curse to give immortality to those who have not learned of love.