
Picture of My Eye Checkup


Here is a picture of my recent trip to the opthalmologist.  I wasn’t able to blog or surf the net as much due to my eye irritation.  It turns out I got “sore eyes” and I was recommended to take a week off from work.  At least I can rest at home and maybe catch up with blogging.


Hear Me Sing!

Mic on Boom Arm
Image by ralphbijker via Flickr

Wanna  hear me sing! 🙂 I mean, actually sing?

This is no joke, though I hope you don’t laugh as much after you hear this.

Just a special gift for all my viewers and visitors, you can hear me sing a song.  Just CLICK HERE

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Not Always Pleasant! Hmp



I’m not the kind of person who is always pleasant, smiling, ever friendly and saintly with a halo on her head.  Nope, if you’re looking for someone like that, you’re not talking to the right person. 


That doesn’t mean that I’m bad, that I don’t smile and that I couldn’t be warm.  I am warm and sympathetic most of the time, and I have a good smile that could really brighten up your day.  But what I’m saying is that I’m not always like that.  There are times when I get upset, when I cry, when I get frustrated and sick and angry for things I couldn’t understand.


Times like that come, times such as today.  Today is not my day, I feel terrible, even miserable that I wanted to go home and just hide inside my cave.  I don’t know, I must have exhausted my energy.  I must have had too much.  I need to rest and get recharged.  I just need to vent out all of these negative energies. 


There are certain things we don’t want, things we detest, and I guess there’s nothing wrong with acknowledging our feelings about them.  Whenever we recognize the things we don’t want, we get a clearer vision of the things we truly want in our life.  In a certain way, we let go of the façade of being happy where we are not happy. 


I’m sorry to those who expect an inspirational post for today, but sometimes, I just want to be truthful rather than play the saint that I am not.  Thanks for dropping by.  There will be a better day.


My Daily Path to Work Looks Like This

going to work now

Busy people are on their way too.

waiting for the rushing train

We’re all waiting for the train full of magic sunlight within.

inside the train

Most people however are not even aware of the magic that surrounds them.

Are you?  🙂


Our Pics at the Hospital



Thank you to all our friends who supported us and cheered us!  🙂  Be blessed!