
Failed expectations

What ails your heart, O, woman
and what ails your heart, O, man
that could not be met
needs that could not be satisfied
Did you think that by finding each other,
you could claim back your joy
in the garden of eden?
Did you think that by having found
each other,
you could reunite with your lost half
and finally be complete?
Nay, I say unto you,
for it is not each other that you have lost in the garden
and it is not each half that could
complete your empty soul
It is God’s presence that you have lost
and it is only in God
where you can find your bliss
once more.


Where Do We Find Confidence?

How beautiful must you be

so you can see yourself as beautiful?

How smart must you be

so you find the confidence to say

that you have it in you

to succeed


How much studies must you undertake

how many certificates and titles must you acquire

how many languages

how many skills

how excellent

how fast

and how creative

so you can find the security to say

that in this fast

and changing world

you are doing well

and that you are at par

with the rest

who are trying so hard

as you do

trying to please

trying to excel

trying to be the very best

where the very best

could not be found

among those who try

to be the best.


It is never enough

It never will be enough

for true confidence

could not be found

in the exaltation of the self

or in the perfection we desire

but which eludes us the more

the more we try to grasp it


Only in Jesus

do we find rest

only in Him

do we find

the strength

the purpose

and the power

to accomplish

all things

for the perfect good

of all.


If there is abundance around, why can’t we receive it?

We’ve heard how life seemed so abundant in all things, in sunshine, in water, in the air we breathe.  Everything is there for the taking, and the only thing left for us is to claim them.  Yet how is it the many of us still lack in many things, particularly in material wealth?  If the earth never lacks in water, why is it that we never seem to have even a small drop of it at times?


Hurried world

As I make my way to office each day, I notice how people seem to be so hurried trying to fetch a cab or make it aboard the train.  It’s funny at times coz you rarely see people look back or look up.  People only move straight on, not noticing anything else but the one thing on their mind, which more often than not, is just to be able to get that ride to work.  I feel weird when I sometimes stop and look up at the wonderful morning sky or when Ilook back and see the nice view of the city.

I wish people can set aside allowances to their activities rather than always being in such a hurry, never having any minute to lose even if just to be able to breathe, to smile, or to be more patient in waiting in line for the next bus to arrive.


How do you teach an eagle how to fly?

This is one of the chapters in my series “The Good For Nothing Boy”


“Good-for-nothing!” How many among us felt as though we were good-for-nothing and unwanted? How many among us ever felt without a purpose in life? Today, I will tell you one of the chapters of the story of a little boy who felt the same way. Together with his firely friend, let us join him in his search for his purpose as he journeys over strange and distant lands and as he miraculously uncovers his worth, his mission, and his heart.

It was raining hard that day and the little boy found himself running desperately for shelter. With the firefly cupped in his hands, he tried to make his way farther up the mountains. There used to be lots of trees there, but now, the land is almost barren. The path was slippery, and the boy often tripped as he ran.

“Are you all right in there?” he asked the firefly cupped in his hands.

“Still alive, boy; still alive,” replied the firefly.

“Just a little while more. I think I see something ahead.”

“I’m glad to hear that. I could hardly breathe in here. Where have all the trees gone anyway?” the firefly asked.

“They say they were used to make houses and many other things,” the boy replied.

“Well there are no houses here, that’s for sure. I wish they made some, too, for fireflies like me.”

“I don’t think they do that, you know.”

“Well if they can’t do that, they might as well leave some trees here,” cried the firefly.

“Yeah, I guess that’s fair enough.”

Suddenly, a mighty lightning struck and almost hit them had the boy not docked just in time! Crawling, firefly still in his hands, he tried to reach what seemed like a cave in the middle of the barren land.

“Whew, that was close!” the firefly sighed with relief.

“Indeed, too close. I’m glad we found this cave. We can stay here until the storm is over.”

Tired with the day’s ordeal, they slept deeply through the night, not knowing where or what they have gotten themselves into.

“Little boy, wake up! The cave is moving!”

“Wh – what? You might be dreaming, get some more sleep – “

“But the cave is really moving. Wake up!” the firefly insisted as he hovered near the boy’s ear.

Just then, the boy was awakened by the sudden gush of wind that chilled him to the bones.

“Whoossh! Whhooossshh!”

“What’s that?!” He could not believe his eyes. For right there where he thought the cave had been, is the biggest eagle he’s ever seen!

“No, please don’t go,” a gentle voice suddenly spoke. “I have no intention of harming you or your friend.”

“How – how can we be sure?” asked the trembling firefly.

“Look here.” And they saw that the eagle was tied to the ground.

“I have not gone anywhere since I was tied here. All that I ever asked of strangers was to get me some food from the nearby forest. As you can see, I can’t provide for my own needs. If you would be willing, I shall be very thankful for you both.”

“I am willing,” said the boy.

“I – I – well I – if you say so!” said the firefly.

And so everyday, the little boy gathered food from the forest to offer to the giant eagle. Everyday, they ate together and became really good friends.

“Was it really long ago since you were tied here?” asked the boy.

“Yes, I was just a little eagle. Some hunter caught me, for some reason though, he did not return.”

“And have you?”

“Oh yes, I did try to break away, but I’ve found my efforts futile that one day I resigned to accept my fate.”

“But – but as you said, you were just a little eagle then. Now you’re so big I believe you can already break away. I would really like to help you, but I’m just too little to be able to cut these chains. I know you can do it yourself.”

“I don’t know, little boy. I have failed so many times. And even if I could break loose, I don’t even know if I could still fly. Wouldn’t it be more shameful to see a free eagle who can’t fly?”

“But wouldn’t you want to see your family again? Wouldn’t you want to meet new friends and see new things? I know there are lots of things on the other side of the mountain, not to mention the other side of the sea. For an eagle as big as you, I’m sure there are lots of things in store if you would only try. If only I were an eagle, I wouldn’t give up no matter how many times I fail.”

“You made it sound so easy that I’m tempted to do it,” the eagle said.

“Don’t just be tempted, giant eagle. Do it! I want to see you free and soaring high!”

“It – it may be possible…”

“Yes, it’s possible!”chorused the boy and the firefly.

“Could you help me then?”

“Of course we will! I can’t teach you how to fly, you must discover it yourself. But we will support you. We will.”

“Thanks, I hope I make it this time.”

“You will! I guess you should start by practicing to flap your wings everyday. And when your wings are strong enough, maybe we can begin the real test.”

After weeks of preparation, the moment has come for the eagle and his friends.

“I’m quite nervous,” the eagle said.

“Don’t be! We’re right behind you.”

And so with one final breath, the eagle flapped his wings and tried to break loose. “Whoooosshh!” Everything seemed to be going so well, the eagle was rising when all of a sudden, fear struck him, he lost his balance and fell!

“I knew I couldn’t do it. I knew I couldn’t.”

“Giant eagle, you must believe you can do it. There is no other way. Each failure brings us closer to the dreams we have. I have an idea! I will give you something to say to yourself while you’re practicing. All this time, we’ve been practicing your wings, but we forgot to practice your mind. If we are to accomplish anything, we must first be able to visualize it like it’s almost real, in our minds.”

And so the boy gave the eagle the secret words to be uttered to himself; words he must believe and trust until the time comes when both wings and mind become ready to try again.

That time came. The eagle flapped his wings once more. And this time, with such strength and conviction he never thought he had. He kept on reciting the words the boy taught him as he tried to break loose and fly.


Why should I be afraid to fly?

And why should I be afraid to try?

When I was born to meet the sky –

I was born to meet the sky and fly!

I may fall once,

I may fall twice,

I may fall so many times

But I will not fall always!

I will try again and again and fly!

Spread your wings now

Get ready!

Let go of your fears

As you leave the ground –

Be prepared now, steady

You’re getting better,

You’re flying stronger

You’re soaring higher up the sky!

Suddenly, the eagle was able to break loose and soar high up in the sky; so high that the boy knew the eagle can now fend for himself. It is now time for him to move on and seek his own sky.

This article was was written by Jocelyn Soriano at ITAKEOFFHEMASK.COM

You are free to republish this post in your website or email as long as proper recognition is given to the author and a link back to the site ITAKEOFFTHEMASK.COM is provided.

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