I Dream of a Better World
I dream of a place where I can be understood,
such a place where finally,
I can be myself.
I dream of a place
where people need not be told anymore
what to do,
because they already know it,
because finally,
they’re already guided by their hearts.
I dream of a place
where people can be brothers,
where people can be friends,
where people can be people
and remain to be a people of the sun.
I dream of a place
where I can paint the world
and sing to it my songs;
where I can dance
when I’m filled with joy;
and where I can cry
when I can no longer hold back
my soul.
I dream of a place,
where we all can dream,
and make those dreams come true;
where clouds are as soft
as cotton candies,
and where stars are fireflies
that roam the night;
where children
and play
and run;
where wings can fly us
’round that magic sky.
Where we don’t have to worry
and where don’t have to wait
for a brighter tomorrow
and a happier today.
Where we can all walk down life’s road
in one direction,
walking hand in hand,
and side by side.
I dream of a place
no further than a step,
of a world
no further than a kiss.
For this world is all we need to have
if we could just
and believe.

3 replies on “I Dream of a Better World”
VERY nice!
Jesse W.
it is fantastic
Muito legal teu site amei….!!!!!!!!!