They can never understand
the kind of love that we have
For how could they?
How could they ever fathom
the depths of our bond?
They do not hear our whispers
nor the sweet nothings that come out of our lips,
they do not know the places
where I seek you,
and where you await always to be found.
They do not know the nights
when I lie awake thinking of you,
they do not know the mornings
when I awaken in joy
yearning to see you,
and to know you better than I have ever known you
in days that passed.
You are mine and I am yours,
we are joined in bliss
as we danced,
forever we danced.
We were lost in our passion,
yet we were never truly lost.
They can never understand
how two hearts can speak
without uttering a single word,
how two minds can understand,
without explaining a single thought.
Only LOVE speaks,
Only LOVE hears,
can ever truly understand.