Have you ever wondered how we could never seem to be happy? Have you ever wondered why two people who used to love each other could eventually end up bitter and hurting each other the most?
Why is love often so painful? Because there are currently so many things that blocks it. Ignorance, selfishness, fear – such are the things that bring bitterness to something that could have otherwise been so sweet, beautiful and full of happiness.
It is our imperfections that keep us from loving each other without difficulty. It is our imperfections that turn our love into hatred, and that ruins every good thing we wanted to possess.
We are embittered because we cannot fully understand another person’s feelings and thoughts. We do not possess this wisdom. We do not know why they’re doing something that hurts us.
In the same way, our actions have also been misinterpreted many times. People do not know how much we really cared for them. We do something good and even sacrifice a lot for it, only to be rejected and turned away.
God’s Perfection Is Different
God on the other hand is perfect, and with it comes perfect wisdom. He knows us. He knows every detail of our lives, every tear we’ve ever shed, every dream we ever dared to dream. And that is why He is able to understand us. And because He is able to, He can forgive us and love us without end.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could have wisdom like that? Wouldn’t it be great to be able to love like that?
How Can We Love Without Being Perfect?
But how could we ever love perfectly if we can’t be perfect? Unlike God, we possess very limited knowledge and wisdom. We are weak. We run out of strength and of resources. We are insecure and afraid. We worry a lot. We doubt, we fret, we get jealous, we lose hope. We hurt so easily that we put up a million defences against one another, even against those we love.
The Key of Faith
We may not attain the perfection of God, but a way has been opened for us in order to have access to His perfection, and that is the way of FAITH.
“Faith is the key by which an imperfect man is granted access to the One Perfect God.”
Hence, even if we cannot have perfect wisdom, we can have access to His wisdom. Even if we could not have perfect courage, we can overcome many things, by faith.
“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. – John 3:16”
With faith in Jesus, we learn to forgive and give mercy to others because we know that we ourselves are imperfect.
With faith in Jesus, we draw the courage we need in order to love because we believe that God will always be there for us, ready to catch us if we fall, ready to defend us from all evil, even as we walk through the valley of the shadow of death!
With faith in Jesus, our selfishness and insecurities decrease because we believe that God can and will provide for our needs.
With faith in Jesus, our ignorance is healed, because we know that we can always pray for Wisdom to guide us in everything we do.
With faith, we don’t easily give up even if things don’t seem to work out according to our plans. We know that God can make a way even when there seems to be none.
With faith, our lives become meaningful because we believe in God’s wonderful purposes for us.
With faith, we become secure in love because we know Somebody has loved us so much that He suffered and died for our sake so that we may have joy, so that we may be saved… by faith!
A Beauty That Never Fades
I have seen so much beauty in this life.
I have felt overflowing love.
I have been happy, I’ve been filled with so much joy.
But O, I have also seen so much hatred and violence and apathy.
I’ve felt so much sorrow that almost drained my eyes of tears.
I have seen how something so beautiful
could suddenly be corrupted, twisted, decayed and left to waste.
I have seen how something so wonderful
could suddenly end,
and how something so precious
could suddenly be taken away from you,
tearing both your heart and your soul.
What is this life worth then?
What does it all mean?
Why must darkness spoil the light?
Why must love be filled with pain?
Is there a way to restore everything back to wholeness?
Is there some chance that good might not end in evil things?
Only God holds the key.
From everlasting to everlasting
the One who changes not,
whose Light never dims,
and whose Beauty never fades,
He alone can save
and keep what’s good and beautiful and true.
Left to ourselves, we grow weak.
We turn love to hatred,
we hold something beautiful
and it soon withers away and dies.
With God however, all things are kept,
cleansed and made whole.
Sorrow turns to joy.
Suffering turns to strength.
We approach in ignorance
and we leave with wisdom.
We approach in fear,
and we leave with courage.
We live forever in LOVE!

2 replies on “The Kind Of Faith That Saves”
Thanks for sharing all inspiring words..It really touch my heart..
I’ve been going through a hard time recently and accidentally found your site. I am glad I did. You have some pretty inspirational words. Thanks 🙂