Healing Life Spirituality

Whatever Happens?


What is the meaning of our life

if we are but a mist that quickly goes away

like a rose that blooms but for a day

What does it matter then that we have

ever passed this way?

Whatever happens

to the smiles we have smiled

to the tears we have cried

Whatever happens

to dreams we dreamt and reached

to failures that turned out bitter-sweet

Whatever happens to raindrops that fell

if thou shall not rise again towards heaven

and be made purer than it has ever been

Whatever happens

O whatever happens

if thy fallen soul

shall not be redeemed

Yea by now I can only pray

I can only believe

that everything is not meaningless

that there is reserved a destiny

even for a withered flower

even for mist that quickly goes away


I am a tree


I am a tree

sprouting forth and reaching out

for the glorious sunny sky

strengthening my stance

drawing forth life

from the warm womb of the ground

bearing forth what fruit

i may offer to all

giving my shade

to those who may want to rest awhile

Not all men may notice me

when they pass by

not all may taste the fruit

that i have whole-heartedly offered

nor avail of the shade

of my embrace

and yet  i stand

and yet i stand

for a tree remains to be a tree

though no one comes to rest in thee

its arms remain wide open

its fruit renewed always in their season

its gaze always before the sky



standing firm

where God has appointed thee


An Ancient Spirit

I am like a child merely beginning its life, and yet I feel I’m also old, older than the ancient temples that connect mankind to its eternal source. I feel that I have lived from the very beginning of the earth; roaming, touching, changing, and yet forever remaining the same as the breath of theSpirit that gave me life.

Healing Life Spirituality

I don’t know

At times the wisest of answers
lies in these simple words:
i do not know

I do not know what happens after death
of whether the soul remains awake
of whether soul and body awaits
to be awakened in the last day

I do not know what judgment looms before us
or what mercies await us in our Father’s
loving arms

I only believe in this –
that death can be likened unto sleep
and that it is in the nature
of life to go on

night may come
but day comes as well to awaken
winter may fall
yet spring comes again
whence flowers bloom into their full blossom

I only believe in this-
that perfect love casts away all fear
and therefore, there is no fear in love

Glady and peacefully then
can I sleep
Joyfully and sweetly then
can I wait for the morning

Healing Life Spirituality

Life – quote

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Life is not at all a game of accumulating everything you need and maintaining a certain level of happiness, for happiness after all cannot be maintained.  Life is a constant flow, of touching and growing and moving on.  Life is either experienced or not, in joy and in sadness, in anger and in despair.  Those who choose not its sorrows choose not its happiness as well; and those who choose not to live fully choose only to crumble and to die.  –