God does not love the crowd,
but the person
within the crowd.
He may attract a multitude,
but what truly matters to Him
is if you could let Him in your heart.
-Jocelyn Soriano
God loves you as you. He loves you with all that He could possibly give from Himself. It is a love that is more intimate than the love between spouses, a love more personal than the love of a mother for the child in her womb.
God’s love is personal. It is not a mere universal force that cannot think or speak on its own. It is not a mere power that we can manipulate at will.
Believing in God’s love requires more than knowledge. True belief needs to be expressed in an authentic relationship that changes us because we have known just how much we are valued and loved.
God knows your name.
And had you been
the only person who needed
to be saved,
He would still have
died on the cross
for you.
Look up at the sky!
Who created the stars you see?
The one who leads them out like an army,
he knows how many there are
and calls each one by name!
-Isaiah 40:26, GNT