Poems Words of Wisdom

Light In The Darkness

“To the extent that we know this God made man, we come to love him madly. I would like you to know him in order to be truly in love with him… How not to love this Jesus of our soul? He is uncreated Beauty, eternal Wisdom, Goodness, Life, Love… Oh! Love Jesus. Who can love you better? He thirsts for your heart” – St. Teresa of the Andes

In This Dark and Lonely World

In this dark and lonely world…
I found you.
I found someone
Who will take away all my masks
And see me for who I really am…
See me without judging me
Or accusing me…
See me without backing away
Being either frightened or ashamed…
See me for who I really am
And love me just the same.

In this dark and lonely world
Where everyone’s so busy
Trying to make their dreams come true,
You came.
You noticed me and at last I found someone who is interested in my own dreams…
The truth is I have forgotten them.
But you made me remember
And everything that seemed so far away and impossible just became nearer and more real.
They became real because your faith in me was true.

In this dark and lonely world
Something happened
Someone came
Light has touched me
And changed me
It entered so deep within my heart
And unfroze me.
And in that moment,
I knew what it’s like to be happy
You found me
You took me in
You loved me.

“In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness hasn’t overcome it.” – John 1, WEBBE

“Everything on earth, dear Lucho, seems to shrink, to lose value before the Divinity which, like an infinite Sun, continues to shine upon my miserable soul with its rays. Oh, if you could go to the depths of my soul even for an instant, you’d see me captivated by that Beauty, by that incomprehensible Goodness. How I’d love to bind the hearts of creatures and surrender them to divine Love! You’ve never known the heaven that I, through God’s mercy, possess in my heart. Yes. I have a heaven in my soul, because God is there, and God is heaven… When people love, they can’t help but speaking of their loved one. What happens then if the one loved has within Himself every possible perfection? I don’t know how I can do a thing but contemplate and love Him. What can you expect, if Jesus Christ that Mad Lover has made me fall madly in love with Himself?”
– St. Teresa of the Andes to her brother Lucho

By Jocelyn Soriano

See her books like "Questions to God", "Mend My Broken Heart", "To Love an Invisible God", "Defending My Catholic Faith", "Of Waves and Butterflies: Poems on Grief" and more - click here.

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