Perseverance proves the depths of our desires. – Jocelyn Soriano
There are some things we seem to want for a moment. When the next moment comes however, we lose interest in it and we start to pursue other things. What happens is that our dreams vanish just as fast as they have arisen, only to be replaced by other dreams that also fail to be accomplished.
The truly valuable dreams are those that do not disappear quickly. They are those that we pursue even when times are difficult and everything seems to be against us.
It is not that we fail to be realistic, but it’s just that deep within us, we know the truth in our dreams. Even when we cannot see exactly how they can happen, we believe that they will. Even when we do not know every step we need to reach it, we have hope they shall be revealed to us in the right time.
We persevere only when something is embedded deeply within our hearts. We do not give up because we know that love never fails.
Let us not be weary in doing good, for we will reap in due season, if we don’t give up. – Galatians 6:9, WEB-BE