Pride keeps us from achieving our dreams:
-it keeps us from admitting to ourselves what we really want
-it binds us to the opinion of other people rather than to the truth of our desires
-it keeps us from starting over so we could find a new way to reach our dreams
-it keeps us from learning the things we ought to learn so we could be worthy of our goals
In order to reach our dreams, we must have the humility of a little child who does not fear tripping and stumbling many times before learning how to walk. Let us not let pride get in the way of our true joy! Seek with all honesty what you really want, get all the help you could and never be afraid to start over so you could finally find the right path.

3 replies on “Pride Keeps Us From Achieving Our Dreams”
Being humble makes one feel light hearted. It’s true that in order to achieve our goals we need to be humble.Humility is the most precious gift one can possess.
I loved this post! The perseverance of a child, that’s what we need!
I’ve heard it before but never really understood what it meant ‘the humility of a child.’ I always thought that it meant we should hush up what we really want, and hide them away quietly so as not to look selfish or prideful, but now I understand it means to earnestly and honestly, openly go for what you truly seek from God. He won’t deny you anything. If you truly thirst and desire, He answers you.