Let no person, no matter how well intentioned he may be, prevent anyone from approaching the Mercy of God. – Jocelyn Soriano
There is a simple solution to many of our troubles – MERCY. Mercy alone mends the heart that hurts. Mercy alone keeps us from despair. Mercy alone gives us the freedom to forgive.
Through mercy, God sends us hope, and our faint hearts are revived. Through mercy, our understanding and compassion for others is extended, and we are relieved from the wrath that poisons us from within.
Man has made a very great fall. But there is no fall so great that the cross could not remedy. By God’s mercy, even heaven and earth are bridged and reconciled, and the people living in darkness are able to see a great light.
Whoever will cause one of these little ones who believe in me to stumble, it would be better for him if he were thrown into the sea with a millstone hung around his neck. -Mark 9:42 (WEB)