
Loving Yourself by Having a Job that Loves You Back!

Loving Yourself By Having a Job That Loves You Back!


Do you love your job? Does your job love you back?

I’ve realized that it isn’t enough that we earn money from our jobs. I’ve also realized that having a job is like having a relationship with your boyfriend. When it doesn’t work out anymore, you have to cut it off!

There was a time when I was able to enjoy my job, or at least, the perks that came with it. I’ve enjoyed the fact that I was able to travel for free. I was able to go to beautiful exotic places and discover things I’ve never known before. I was also able to enjoy the company of my good friends who also happen to be my officemates.

As time went on however, things changed. Many people went away. I wasn’t able to travel anymore. And the job that seemed to be like a haven is now more like a prison trapping me from doing the things I’d really love to do.

I’ve realized that I didn’t love my job at all! It wasn’t the job I loved, it was everything else that came along with it. It’s the same with having a relationship with a person. There are many times when we think we are “in love” with the person, but the truth is we may just be in love with the idea. We may love the car he has or the free dinners he gives in fine dining restaurants, we may even love his parents or his friends, but stripped of everything else, do we really love the person?

It’s not that I didn’t do anything to save my relationship with my job. I did try my best to love it, to seek ways with which to connect with it and to align my soul with its purpose. But like a person who doesn’t really care, the job didn’t allow me to be truly connected with it. It ignored me, my talents, my passion, my efforts. Sure it provided me things, as with husbands who provide material things to their wives. But it is not these things that truly matter, you see.

I’ve realized that after doing one’s best, there is a time to surrender and to let go. Sure it hurts, but it will hurt the more the longer you pretend nothing’s wrong.

A very vital part of loving oneself is not to agree with anyone or anything that is treating you unfairly. You deserve to be treated well. You deserve to be loved, and you deserve to have a job that can love you back!

The Inspirer's Wisdom

The Inspirer’s Letters


The Inspirer writes with burning letters. You cannot read the Inspirer’s writings without feeling its warmth. You will feel something within your heart is being lit, enlightened, urged to pass on the Light it has found.

Many Deities write elegant but useless scripts, scripts easily forgotten once read. They sound profound yet they are empty. They boast of great length yet they all mean the same.

The Inspirer’s letters have life in itself. They speak long after they have been uttered. Generations feed upon each word and the soul is nourished unto eternity.

Words of Wisdom

What If I’m Afraid to Love?


Love, they say, is the complete opposite of fear. That thought worries me at times, because I cannot say that I’m that brave enough already to love. There are certain fears that still reside in my heart. But then again, when true love comes, it will certainly come as a mighty river, casting away all fears, making its way straight unto my heart! What is there to worry about when perfect love casts away all fears? 🙂

Best Life Quotes

On Consciousness – Do You Want to Be a Baby Again?


Scott Peck, in his book “Further Along the Road Less Traveled“, discussed how our pain is related to our consciousness. He says that from the moment man ate from the Tree of Knowledge, he became self-conscious, and with it comes the consciousness of pain. He also compared the state of man before the fall to the state of infants and babes who know nothing of what’s happening around them.

When we grew up, our eyes were opened to the many difficulties and problems in life. We get sad, we get tired, and many times we even get so frustrated and we wish we could just go back to being a child.

Given the chance however, would you really go back and become a baby again? Would you rather that you become unconscious again of the many problems plaguing the world today? You wouldn’t need to fear losing your job anymore. You wouldn’t even care about the recession!

Yet would you really seek such an escape and give up the knowledge you’ve found as you grew in wisdom through the years? Would you so easily give up being able to know yourself and other people? Would you really give up how it feels to really really love and live life to the fullest measure possible?

The Inspirer's Wisdom

The Inspirer Has Dark Moods


The Inspirer sometimes enters into a dark mood which most people cannot understand. During such times, she must find consolation alone and not expect anybody else to uplift her. Why? Because people can only uplift those whose darkness they can fathom, whose pain they have suffered before.

In order to uplift another, we must go down where the other is suffering and find healing for both of them, the one helping, and the one being helped. The Inspirer can do this with many, but rare are those who can do this for the Inspirer.

The person who is not afraid of pain has already conquered it. It is this person alone who is fit to heal another.