Words of Wisdom

The Kite Runner

I’m glad to have watched the award-winning film THE KITE RUNNER. It certainly deserves its citation.

At first, I thought it would be one of those boring too-deep-for-me movies that could do nothing but lull me to sleep. It turns out that it is something that would wake up very strong thoughts and feelings in me.

The story focuses around two boys – Amir and Hassan, and of a friendship that helped them become the best of themselves. It showed Hassan’s devotion to his friend, even as a child, a virtue he would pass on to his friend who needed to redeem himself later on as a man.

I loved that the message came along so subtly, not forced nor preachy as other goody-goody films do. I also loved the fact that it centered around FRIENDSHIP, a relationship many people nowadays aren’t familiar with anymore.

I’m really glad it did not package love in a way of romantic formula, the only type of love most people recognize these days. It didn’t use the easy angle of packaging love as a sexual romance, the film was definitely not about that.

The film was about being human, of creating serious mistakes and of being able to grow from those mistakes, becoming a better person in the process. The film was about friendship, devotion and loyalty that doesn’t need any sexual angle to make it deep and meaningful.

The Kite Runner. We all run our own kites, don’t we? With whom do we run? And for whom are we running for?

The Inspirer's Wisdom

The Inspirer and the Visionary

1091652_asian_autumn_3One day, the Visionary visits the Inspirer with news of gloom and misfortune.

“I see darkness looming ahead, quickly casting a shadow upon the earth. I see plague and hunger. I see chaos and fear spreading everywhere. Go forth somewhere safe and befitting the Light that you carry. It will not be safe for you here anymore,” thus says the Visionary.

Words of Wisdom

The Best Thing About Being Single

The best thing about being single is not about being free to have a nightlife, or to go wherever you wanted to go. It is not the absence of obligations or the absence of so many kinds of expenditures like the rising cost of tuition. It is not even about not having someone to argue with and to sacrifice your wants to.

The best thing about being single is this – to be always available to love whomever heaven sends your way to love and take care of. Being free to love fully, unconditionally and with no strings attached whatsoever – this is your most precious gift.

Words of Wisdom

Should We Not Pray for Anything?

Previously, I have discussed how we can receive all our desires through surrender. But does it mean we shall no longer pray for specific things and leave all else to heaven? Not at all!

But before asking such things, be certain that you have first surrendered your heart and that you are in a state of peace. Ask not from a place of fear. Ask only from a place of power!

The Inspirer's Wisdom

The Inspirer Wears a Mask


The Inspirer sometimes wears a mask that her true nature may be hidden from those who have no ability to appreciate it. She knows that each soul has her own journey and her own phase of growth.

She wouldn’t force her wisdom to those who are not yet ready to receive it. It would only be a waste of time and energy and an encroachment upon the freedom of others to choose their own path.