Words of Wisdom

What Can I Ask When I’m Afraid

“It’s true. I know not what to ask. I am trembling with fear. But what can I do? How could I find God’s help? Can I not even ask for help?”

Indeed, it is unfair to say that we cannot ask for anything when we are in a place of fear. Even then, we could ask for one thing – that God may help us surrender to Him, so our Father can finally lift us up His mighty shoulder.

Ask that you may yield to His arms that you may feel safe, and that He may take your fears away.

The Inspirer's Wisdom

The Inspirer is Seen in Solitude


The Inspirer is often seen in solitude but that doesn’t mean she has cast the world away. It doesn’t mean that she cannot connect with other people.

In truth, the Inspirer connects better and deeper with other hearts, and it is such a connection that overwhelms her.

It is for this reason that she seeks out solitude so that she can renew her strength and so that she can assimilate and heal the many hearts that have entered her own.


When was the last time you felt you needed time alone? What have you achieved after your retreat?

Words of Wisdom

Why Ask for More Love?

There’s something I’ve been thinking about lately. I’ve been thinking if it’s time to have a new boyfriend! Yep, you’re not hearing me wrong. I’m trying to find out deep in my heart if I should pray for one.

The last time I desire one, somebody appeared, and he disappeared as soon as I realized what I prayed for at that time was not the prayer of my complete desire.

Now I wanted to clarify things, what I really want, and why I would like to have such a man.

No, it isn’t about being complete. And it isn’t about being happy. We can be happy and whole even without a romantic partner.

I am happy now. My life is filled with love.

But what’s wrong with desiring more love?

Like a married couple who already have a child and wants to have another one, there is nothing wrong with wanting to love more and more.

I want to love more. I want to love as I have never loved before!

The Inspirer's Wisdom

The Inspirer is Vulnerable


The Inspirer is not like a defender who can close his heart for a long time. The Inspirer often remains vulnerable and open, ever ready to listen and share the troubles of another.

It is by being open that the Inspirer continues to be sensitive. It is by being sensitive that one becomes fully able to understand, not in a mere logical way, but in such a way as to understand another soul, another heart.

It is not the Inspirer’s task to destroy or pursue an enemy. Her primary mission is to build happiness upon another’s soul.

Best Life Quotes

The Virtue of Benevolence

virtue of benevolence quote

Benevolence is silent good will. It is like the sun shining on hard ground, softening the earth, melting the ice, but with no design or intention to heal. It is the state of naturalness which is why it works, because the ground feels no debt to the sun. In the same way to be on the receiving end of benevolence is to be receiving something for which there is no return. Not even a pressure to respond which is why one does, so easily.

Benevolence is a state of being, reliant on itself alone. It has nothing to do with feelings of mercy or preference. It offers nothing specific but everyone is drawn to it. It answers no questions, but it enables you to think. It reaches nothing, but because of it you can learn.

To be benevolent is to have forged a link so strong with an unbroken source of energy, that even the interruptions of life cannot block that constant re-fuelling. However dry life is, the tide keeps turning again and again, always. And in the moments just before turning, when life has taken you to the limits, you just know that you’re in the brink of a great in-flow, and so you stay quiet, acknowledging temporary emptiness – only as a prelude.  – Inner Beauty, a book of virtues