We can learn to be less afraid of fear – especially by meeting it with love. – Stephanie Dowrick (Choosing Happiness)
Author: Jocelyn Soriano
See her books like "Questions to God", "Mend My Broken Heart", "To Love an Invisible God", "Defending My Catholic Faith", "Of Waves and Butterflies: Poems on Grief" and more - click here.
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(You may freely quote excerpts from this website as long as due credit is given to author Jocelyn Soriano and the website itakeoffthemask.com)
The Inspirer’s View of Heaven
A Fresh Wind Blew Upon My Heart
My heart was touched by God today. His touch, his word, is like a fresh wind blowing upon my heart. There was a certain peace that covered me, calming my nerves, giving me strength, giving me the courage to face whatever life might bring upon me.
For the first time in a long time, I was not afraid. My joy and my peace were not dependent anymore on outside circumstances that I could not control. God is in control. And faith, is a very precious gift. I felt good, I saw beauty again, like I was in love.
I’ve read tons of self-help books before, yet I remained stressed and unhappy, always preoccupied with something – a goal. Only to be always frustrated by not reaching that goal.
I saw how futile all my strivings were. I didn’t want to live like that anymore. I’ve decided not to live like that anymore. I will not delay my joy, my peace.
I used to think we cannot choose happiness, that only hypocrites say that. But now I’ve found a way. We choose happiness when we finally choose to SURRENDER. We choose happiness when we finally choose GOD.
Throughout history, millions of stories have been told to by bedsides and around camp fires to help draw people into the images that are created out of the spoken word. When it comes to stories, probably the best type of stories in terms of getting people to take action are motivational stories.
There are stories that have inspired and touched thousands of people around the world. Have you ever read a story that got you to believe in yourself more? How about one that made you want to take immediate action towards your goals? Stories have this power because it basically lets us know that if others can do it, then so can I.
One famous series of such stories is the famous Chicken Soup for the Soul. These series of books are full of stories sent by people from all around the world. They are stories of triumph, overcoming obstacles, and success. When you read these motivational stories, you will realize that these people are no different than you. In fact, a lot of the time, they have challenges far greater than the average person will ever go through, yet they were able to completely change their life around and become an example of the true potential we as humans possess.
When you find a story that just captivates you, save it for those times when you feel defeated and want to give up. You will be reminded of how thousands before you have struggled and faced setbacks just like you are going through. You will remember that they kept pressing on. You will remember that if they could do it, then so can you. It’s during these times when you will need to hear something inspiring the most. These stories can and will change your life.
Our Guest Writer today is KEVIN. Kevin runs a site that provides motivational tools such as motivational videos, quotes, poems, songs, and other tools to help people achieve their goals.
I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world. – Albert Einstein