Best Life Quotes

On Praying – Inspirational Quote


Regard prayer not as a last resort but as a readily available fountain by which we could drink heaven’s blessings. –

Words of Wisdom

Poor People Hoard, Rich People Give and Receive

 poor people hoard, rich people give and receive

How do you define wealth?
Is it based on material possessions?
Is it based on one’s bank account and real estate properties?

Such is the way we define wealth
that we label those who possess more of those things rich
while those who have little of those things poor.

Hence, the prophets and seers are poor
the saints are poor
Jesus is poor
Mother Teresa was poor

Yet are they?

I’ve realized they weren’t poor at all,
they are rich!

They are rich because they lack nothing
and have everything they need.
Whenever they desire to give something,
they pray
and they know that they are heard.
They don’t need to carry with them
a lot of money all the time
because they know
that they will have what they need
just in time.
It will be provided
one way or the other.

They don’t need to hoard a lot of wealth
because they are not afraid,
because their powers are not based
on material things.

Power to summon all things just when you need them,
to draw upon the great heavenly bank
which never goes bankrupt nor insolvent.
What more power could be greater?
What wealth could be greater?

Poor people hoard.
They acquire as many material possessions
as they could because they are afraid
they would later on run out of blessings.

The truly rich ones give endlessly
and receive endlessly.
They lack nothing
and always have everything they need!

Best Life Quotes

On Martin Luther – Inspirational Quote

quote on faith

Faith is a living, bold trust in God’s grace, so certain of God’s favor that it would risk death a thousand times trusting in it.-Martin Luther

Words of Wisdom

A Letter to My Younger Self

A Letter To My Younger Self

letter to myself

I’ve started reading the book “What I Know Now (Letters to My Younger Self)”. It is a collection of letters written by forty one famous women narrating what they have learned in life, things they wanted to tell their younger selves.

I haven’t finished reading it yet but I couldn’t help but be touched by the heartfelt letters of the women who wrote it:

Don’t let anybody raise you. You’ve been raised.

Try more things. Cross more lines.

You don’t have to be afraid of living alone.

Your hair matters far far less than you think.

Suppose that we could really write letters to our younger selves. What would you write?

I’ve tried to write my own letter and here’s what I’ve come up with.

Letter to my 13 year old self

Don’t study too hard. And don’t be so anxious keeping that scholarship. You’re going to pass with flying colors. You’re even going to top your class in college and graduate with the highest honors.

Even if you don’t study so hard now, you’d still be able to make it. You’ll find yourself a stable job and be able to support your family.

There are other things in life you need to learn more than the lessons taught at school – things about yourself, your own powers, your own beauty. You are special and loved. Let none convince you otherwise.

At this time in your life, you’d have met a loyal friend whose friendship you will enjoy for the next 20 years. After about five years, you’ll meet another one who will be like a soul sister to you when the time comes. You will have true friends from whom you can learn much. Never ever think that you are alone.

Spend more time with your grandpa. Memorize his laughter, his strong yet gentle touch, the way he looks at you like a dear child. His fatherly love will be a great fountain of warmth you’d always go back to when times become hard and wearisome.

Try to understand your daddy more. He loves you, you know? Even if he can’t show it yet as clearly. There will be a time when you’re going to feel his protection and care for you. Try to catch a smile from his face. Remember it well when you do.

Don’t be so hard on yourself when you make mistakes. We’re only human after all. And God loves you just the same. God requires nothing from you. He doesn’t need you obeying rules just for the sake of obeying them. He just wants you to be happy and to have a meaningful life.

You are going to travel to far and wonderful places. You are going to be in touch with many people and you are going to give them hope. So keep your hopes up. Smile. Everything’s going to be just fine.

Enjoy your youth. Welcome your doubts but be not afraid. You’re in a most precious phase of your life. Make more friends. Laugh more often. Play as much as you could possibly enjoy. Tomorrow will take care of itself. Let your today be the vessel of joy you hold within your heart.

Best Life Quotes

On The Impossible – Inspirational Quote


People rarely believe in the impossible. What’s amazing however is how people also rarely believe in what’s possible. –