

Magnified landscape
Image by dhammza via Flickr

“I’m too young to do anything. I don’t know much yet.”

“It’s so hard growing up, I think I’m too messed up right now to do that.”

“Life is just so full. I’m just so busy I have no time to do what I’d really like to do.”

“I have to raise this family right now.”

“I get too tired easily now, I don’t think I could still do that.”

“I’m too old now. I won’t be able to do that anymore.”

How about you? What is your excuse?

Best Life Quotes

On Prayer – Inspirational Quote

prayer quote

Pray, then let go. The answer comes only after the big pause of letting go. –

Words of Wisdom

How Do You Treat a Bad Person?

We’re not always fortunate enough to be in the company of good and highly conscious people.  There are times when we encounter selfish violent people who don’t even care what harm they do to others.  How do you deal with those kinds of people?

Granted that they are only doing those things because they are not conscious enough, they do not know the harm they are doing to others and to themselves.  It’s easy to understand it that way theoretically.  But what if you have a real encounter with such a person?  What if you discovered her saying things that damage your reputation behind your back?  Or what if a person was just plain rude and gave you derogatory remarks in front of others?  Would you still be able to understand? Will you not get angry?

Other people have a quick fix for this.  They tell themselves that they wouldn’t get angry and take revenge because they don’t want to go down to that lower level where those people are.  That’s a quick fix because it will immediately boost your ego to the detriment of the other person’s worth.  She deserves it, right?

If you are truly highly conscious however, you know deep within that it doesn’t reflect the whole story.  You know that the person was only lost and unaware of what she’s doing.  But it doesn’t mean that that person is no longer valuable in God’s eyes.  That doesn’t mean that the person no longer has a soul and no longer has the right to exist like you and me.  So how do you do it?  How do you treat a bad person?

Before you answer these questions, could you please ask yourself, “How do I want to be treated?” Not that you’re a bad person. Of course you’re not!  If you ever did some bad things in your life, you didn’t mean it, and most of the time, you weren’t even “aware” you’re hurting other people already, right?

If I were that person, here’s how I want to be treated.  I want to be treated with understanding and tolerance, because if I had known I would do something bad and I had the power not to do it, I wouldn’t do it.  I know I’m not yet perfect, but I’m on my path to growth.  I ‘m doing my best here to be the best person I could be.  I want to be treated with respect, not like I’m some kind of lower being with no soul or hope of ever being redeemed into a better future.  But I would also like to be stopped from doing harm.  And I would like to be aware that I’m doing something bad.  I would like to realize my faults so I could grow and do better.

So, how do you treat a bad person?

Best Life Quotes

On Judging a Person – Inspirational Quote


It is far easier to judge than to understand.  Be braver than the rest.  Judge not.  Seek to understand. –

Words of Wisdom

Why Change?


Have you ever wondered why things should change? Why is nature like that? Animals are born, they grow strong, they grow old, they mate to give birth to new animals. Why grow old? Why give birth to another? Isn’t it enough that they stay the same and play the role necessary in this life?

Asking these questions however prompts us to consider another scenario – a scenario where nothing changes and everything stays the same. Can you imagine a world where there is no blossoming flower? No new plant to spring forth from the ground? No season but springtime? No time but day or eternal night? What kind of world would that be then?

Yet we proceed with our questions. What is the use of diversity, of evolution if no one profits from seeing them? If nothing lasts long enough to witness such glories unfold one after the other?

We must admit it. We are the ones who wanted to see. We are the ones who wanted to remain. But even men, with all our intelligence and awareness die. We can’t seem to escape death. All that remains of us is our history. Yet is it?

Maybe life’s real essence is two-fold: one that changes, and one that stays the same. It isn’t nature’s way to destroy, but to cultivate, and to carry forward the harvest yielded from its scattered seeds.

In this we find comfort. For there is just too much value in one human life lived for it to be buried beneath the ground forever, no fruit whatsoever yielding from it all.

There must be something then that cultivates the seed of one life for it to grow forward, multiply, and burst forth with unending life.

No human life can be passed on only through biological procreation, nor through any song, novel, or even a detailed diary of a person’s life. All these things diminish only the said person’s life instead of preserving it whole and making it yield. The value of one’s human existence is in the person’s soul. Where forth does it go?