Best Life Quotes

On Tears – Inspirational Quote


Learn to listen to your tears. It may just lead you to your joy. –


Fear Not My Child (poem)

fear not my child poem

Fear not my child

Fear not.

Rid yourself of useless anxieties,

There is more that you can do at rest

than you can ever do fretting about.

Let everything that you do

be done out of love

pouring out of a peaceful heart.

It is not how many ideas

that run through your mind

that matters.

It is the way that you believe.

It is the way that you surrender

to everything that is good

which heaven is showering you

in every moment.

Fear not my child

Fear not.

There is no need for you to hurry

nor for your hands to tremble.

Time stops for love

and love alone.

And I want you to enter

the door that leads to forevermore.

Best Life Quotes

On Good Deeds – Inspirational Quote


Don’t do good things to be happy. Do good things because you’re already joyful! –

Words of Wisdom

The Importance of One Person

the importance of one person

If you can’t be just to one person, you can’t also be just to the rest. – itakeoffthemask

Morality, true morality is not like politics. It is not a morality of numbers where one could easily sacrifice a few for the good of all the others, for the good of the rest.

One soul is not just one person. One soul is a whole universe of significance in itself. You do not kill that soul so you can save other souls. The moment you are able to murder one soul, you can easily get rid of the rest.

Best Life Quotes

On Hope – Inspirational Quote


Hope is not mere optimism. It is a certainty that joy shall happen, shall come, shall prevail. –