Best Life Quotes

On Pleasure – Inspirational Quote


Our body may sense pleasure, but it is only the heart that can sense happiness! –


Forget Not Love (poem)


Forget not love

Forget it not.

Thou shall forget everything

but let not love depart.

Love is your life’s meaning.

It is the bringer of light.

With love,

no day is lost,

no moment is meaningless.

Love remembers

Love shall remain in you

and you in love.

Best Life Quotes

On Being Too Wise – Inspirational Quote


May you never consider yourself as ever too big, too wise or too old for LOVE. –

Words of Wisdom

Wouldn’t It Be Better?

Many people want to be loved
Yet few ever desire to simply “love”
and fewer still are those that want
to love without condition

Wouldn’t it be better
if there were more people who
wanted to love
rather than be loved?

Wouldn’t it be better
if there were more people
who could love
with no strings attached?

If there were more of these people
there would be lesses ones
lacking in love.

Love will be abundant
Love will always be
just within our reach.

Words of Wisdom

New Creeds

To live a simple life with joyful gladness

To know that I am safe, accepted and loved by God

To inspire others become the best that they can be.

To love without condition!

To dance without regrets.

To believe that the next moment

will be far better

than I could ever imagine it to be!