
The Most Important Thing


The most important thing that you could ever give the world is yourself. That is why it is very important that you care for that person – to discover her, to tap her potentials, and to celebrate her for being the unique and wonderful person that she truly is.

Best Life Quotes

On Love – Inspirational Quote


People go wrong when they think about great things,and then forget about love. –


It is not enough to love


It isn’t enough that a man should live

For a man must love;

It isn’t enough that a man should love

For a man should love fully

and be able to bear

both the pain

and the highest joys

of his love.

He must know how to treasure that love,

how to protect it

with all its might,

against the world

that often gets jealous

of those

who have found true love.

Protect it

from the innermost chambers

of your heart

and let not your soul depart

without it.

It is your key

to eternity.

Words of Wisdom

The Knowledge of the World

Albert Einstein during a lecture in Vienna in 1921
Image via Wikipedia

The Knowledge of the World

Don’t take in more knowledge than you can digest. Don’t take in such a burdensome quantity as to disturb the peace of your soul.

There is much useful knowledge we could benefit from. Knowledge that helps us do our jobs better, knowledge that helps make this world a better place.

But information overload has sneaked in suddenly into our lives, and we failed to recognize it when it arrived. We have consumed more than we could take in. Indeed, we became too knowledgeable to be truly beautiful.

Tons of books now tell us a thousand things we should do, a thousand reasons why we should do them, and a thousand more on how to do all of those things.

Many times, it is not anymore how much we know. It all redounds to who we are and how connected we are to the things that matter most to us.

Never memorize what you can look up in books. – Albert Einstein

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Words of Wisdom


quotes on acceptance

Acceptance is an important ingredient in the recipe of SURRENDER. To ACCEPT what is, what has been, what could be. To accept one’s tears and one’s cross. To accept one’s joys without the guilt of feeling that one does not deserve the treasure she has found.

Much of our suffering comes from non-acceptance. Much of our energy is wasted resisting what already is.

Acceptance however, does not mean accepting evil, of not giving a fight to do what’s right. But it means fighting in another way, a fight that does not focus on resisting evil, but that which focuses on surrendering to attain what is good.

Through acceptance, we defeat our denials. We accept the darkness for what it really is. But we remain unafraid, ,knowing that darkness cannot prevail over the light. When we are of the light, no darkness can defeat us – ever!