Best Life Quotes

Inspirational Quote – 02.27.09

courageous quote

Live not as though you were afraid, but as though you were courageous, and able to do everything you wanted to do. –



Not Always Pleasant! Hmp



I’m not the kind of person who is always pleasant, smiling, ever friendly and saintly with a halo on her head.  Nope, if you’re looking for someone like that, you’re not talking to the right person. 


That doesn’t mean that I’m bad, that I don’t smile and that I couldn’t be warm.  I am warm and sympathetic most of the time, and I have a good smile that could really brighten up your day.  But what I’m saying is that I’m not always like that.  There are times when I get upset, when I cry, when I get frustrated and sick and angry for things I couldn’t understand.


Times like that come, times such as today.  Today is not my day, I feel terrible, even miserable that I wanted to go home and just hide inside my cave.  I don’t know, I must have exhausted my energy.  I must have had too much.  I need to rest and get recharged.  I just need to vent out all of these negative energies. 


There are certain things we don’t want, things we detest, and I guess there’s nothing wrong with acknowledging our feelings about them.  Whenever we recognize the things we don’t want, we get a clearer vision of the things we truly want in our life.  In a certain way, we let go of the façade of being happy where we are not happy. 


I’m sorry to those who expect an inspirational post for today, but sometimes, I just want to be truthful rather than play the saint that I am not.  Thanks for dropping by.  There will be a better day.

Best Life Quotes

Inspirational Quote – 02.24.09

bench dog man

Doesn’t it feel better at times to be loved for your flaws than to be loved for your strengths? –


My First Podcast!

Black and white photograph of a U87 microphone
Image via Wikipedia

Hello everyone! I’ve just recorded my first podcast below:


If you’d like to read the original post which I have recorded here, you can read it using this link.

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Best Life Quotes

Inspirational Quote – 02.20.09


create miracle quote

Just for today, create a miracle! –