Busy people are on their way too.
We’re all waiting for the train full of magic sunlight within.
Most people however are not even aware of the magic that surrounds them.
Are you? 🙂
See her books like "Questions to God", "Mend My Broken Heart", "To Love an Invisible God", "Defending My Catholic Faith", "Of Waves and Butterflies: Poems on Grief" and more - click here.
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(You may freely quote excerpts from this website as long as due credit is given to author Jocelyn Soriano and the website itakeoffthemask.com)
Busy people are on their way too.
We’re all waiting for the train full of magic sunlight within.
Most people however are not even aware of the magic that surrounds them.
Are you? 🙂
What’s wrong with us is that we always remember the wrong things and keep on forgetting what we ought to remember. – itakeoffthemask.com
Have you ever felt at times like you were out of control? There are only 3 things that can be in control:
-other people
(when I don’t exercise my powers and I don’t allow God to exercise His in my life)
“I am powerless, I will not exercise control because I cannot exercise it anyway.”
(when I exercise my powers)
“I am in charge. Things will happen according to my will.”
(when I allow God to exercise His powers in mine)
I do the best I can to achieve my desires.
When things don’t turn out exactly according to plan,
I do not lose hope nor let others take away my power.
I surrender to God instead. It will be done in a better way
than I’ve ever expected it.
How are you doing? Me, just relaxing here…
With my ordered kopi-e (coffee with evaporated milk)
Also bought a new shoulder bag
By the way, I found the wall lamp here quite lovely 🙂
I hope you’re having a fine weekend too!
Happy Valentines Everyone! 🙂 Today, I would like to bring back one of my most loved articles titled “When I Asked for a Rose”. I hope you have a romantic day, enjoy reading:
When I Asked for a Rose
It was January 31, 2000, and Valentines Day seem so near. I was praying to God when I suddenly felt so sad. I felt so lonely. I knew that dreaded day would soon be coming when girls would soon be receiving flowers from their special someone, when they would all go about proudly carrying those flowers, certain of the sincere love of those that offered them. I haven’t got any lover though. So no flowers for me, no bouquet, not even a single red rose.
It was kinda embarassing, but I knew the Lord knew my heart and there was no point in hiding anything. I remained true to my feelings, and I asked God for something I’ve never asked before. I’ve asked Him to send me a rose, just one. I don’t know how it could possibly happen, but I prayed, like a daughter asking something from her dear father. I prayed for a single red rose. I prayed for a small expression of love, a small sign that I am loved, and that I am special as well.
It was a heartfelt prayer, though I never really thought much of it the day after. I guess it was enough for me that I uttered it, and that the Lord heard me. It was already upon God’s hands whether to grant the prayer of silly girls like me. CLICK here to Continue