
Practical Tips in Buying Gifts this Christmas

Tips in Buying Christmas Gifts

  1. Buy early and avoid the Christmas rush. As early as November, you can already do some window shopping so you’d know which gifts to buy when your paycheck comes!

  2. Go personalized. There are lots of stores offering personalized gift items – personalized mugs, personalized shirts, personalized keychains. You can even make one yourself, save some money and yet be able to give something that has far more sentimental value than gifts you’ve put no effort into. If you know how to use Windows Moviemaker, then you could make a personalized MTV for that special person in your life. Just drag and drop her photos and then choose a background music that will render her speechless while watching it.

  3. Buy a gift the person would not have bought for himself but would appreciate it much if someone bought it for him. Have you ever wished to buy yourself something, say a rather costly comic book, a make-up kit, a cute stuff toy or a bag, but you’ve felt so guilty in buying it for yourself? How would you feel if someone bought it for you?

  4. Consolidate. If you are short in cash and yet desire to give a person something he would really like to have, you can pull your resources and be able to buy that gift for the person. Instead of giving many small gifts, you buy this gift the person would never have expected to receive.

  5. Buy a gift according to the taste of the person receiving it. Consider his hobbies, his likes and dislikes, his personality. Think of something he would really appreciate if you were in his shoes.

  6. Buy a gift according to your taste as well, leaving a reminder of the person who gave the gift. People often say that we should buy gifts not according to our wants, but according to the wants of the person receiving it. This is not totally correct. It’s true that we must consider the desires of the recipient, but we should never forget the desires of the giver as well. Gifts are tokens of love, a manifestation of the overflowing affection of the giver and should carry with it a sign of this love that will forever be a reminder to the one receiving your gift.

  7. Make a list. From this list, check the ones you’re able to buy from time to time.

  8. Buy the important gifts first. Let’s face it, there would always be gifts to give and people we wish we could give them to. (Given that we have the money of course, haha). Prioritize and consider the most important people you wouldn’t want to disappoint, people you love deeply and wouldn’t want to think you’ve forgotten. Buy these gifts first.

  9. Enjoy the Christmas rush by buying the less important gifts. When I mentioned that we must avoid the Christams rush, I was referring to just that, a “rush” in buying so many gifts while having no more time to spare, a rush that’s almost like a “panic”, an emergency or obligation we should perform in the last minute, instead of a ritual we can enjoy during the season. If you’ve already bought the important gifts first, then you can join people buying in the last minutes of the season. It wouldn’t be so nice to just sit at home at this time, would it?

  10. Avoid buying gifts in just one shopping. If you have a spare time during lunch break, you might peek in at the nearest store and do some window shopping. Who knows? You might be able to buy gifts as well.

  11. Make a wishlist. We often find it hard to think which gifts would be appreciated by our loved ones. We also don’t want to give duplicate gifts. A wishlist is one solution for this. You may write down under the Christmas tree a list of the gifts each person wishes to have for Christmas. Start from there and then improvise.

  12. Buy a gift for yourself. Christmas after all, is a time for love, even of loving yourself. Why not be like a child again and buy the gifts you want?

  13. Have a reserve of gifts. This is a remedy for all the gifts we always seem to forget. Buy gifts with no particular person in mind, so you could always give something when you later on come up with names you shouldn’t have forgotten in the first place!

  14. Give surprise gifts on Christmas Day. In order to avoid overlooking any gift, I usually have the habit of giving gifts in advance, say one week before Christmas, before everybody becomes busy or takes a vacation elsewhere. But what happens now when Christmas Day comes? Surely, there would be people around you that day, people you’d celebrate that special day with. Give them small tokens that will surprise them. These are not like the main gifts they’ve already received, just small ones reminding them Christmas has indeed arrived. You’d be surprised how much appreciation these small tokens would receive.

Best Life Quotes

Early Christmas

Once in a year,Christmas awakens in us the most beautiful part of ourselves.

It is not our business to whine,but to hope,and to receive the sweet fruits of that hope.

Sometimes,it is not what we do for other people that counts. Its the kind of person you are that matters.

Heaven is so much nearer than we often think it to be.

God does not take us only when we are lovable,but moreso when we are most in need of love.


Even in the Storm

Even in the darkest storms,

there is a light

that is soothing

to the soul,

a sweet





In our despair,

God is able

to touch our hearts

our most vulnerable


for it is then

when we discover

that we are

most open to love.

Best Life Quotes

Bright Light in the Night

My head is bloody.

My body is full of sores.

My soul is aching with pain.

I have lost my courage.

I have lost my strength.

The enemy is about to cut my head off

and end it all.

I was resigned to my dreadful fate.


But then I saw a light

piercing thru the face of the night

and alas!

I was awakened from my madness.


In the blink of an eye

I held my shield

and got my sword,

struck the enemy

and raised my head

towards the light!

bright light in the night


Awakening Our Desires

Sometimes our needs are really quite simple. Deep within us, our desires truly speak of something good. We just don’t hear them often, maybe because of fear, or our willingness to face whatever difficulties we need to face in order to reach them.


They need to be awakened however, so we can live full and meaningful lives. We need to hear what it is we truly, deeply, and sincerely desire.