No one knows my sorrow, O God
No one knows my suffering
No one sees the wounds of my heart
nor the bitterness of my tears
I long for company
yet no one can bear with me
My heart longs for shelter
yet it cannot be embraced
In this miserable state
I lose all loveliness
and become as repulsive
as a thorn
Yet you know, my Lord
that it is the unlovely
and the miserable
who need to be held
and to be loved
the most
Walk not away from me, desert me not
Leave me not in emptiness on my own
Show me your wounds that are far deeper
and hide me in it
Let me take refuge in your cross
for it is only there
where I can find
Author: Jocelyn Soriano
See her books like "Questions to God", "Mend My Broken Heart", "To Love an Invisible God", "Defending My Catholic Faith", "Of Waves and Butterflies: Poems on Grief" and more - click here.
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You are loved
You are loved
focus on that
breathe on that
live on that
move in that
from one moment to the next
in your waking hours
in your dreams
in your imaginings
until no barrier exists
between yourself
and your lover
between God
and His beloved
until nothing can ever separate you
from the Love that lives forever
and transcends all things
all places
and all possibilities
You are loved
that is all that matters
To Live Forever
Men have always wanted to live forever. We think as though if we could just find the elixir of life, we’d have also found the potion for eternal bliss. But living forever and living happily forever are two completely different things. In fact, given the chance to really live forever, I believe not few of us would soon regret having taken that chance. What is there to live forever for in 200 years? In 600? In a thousand or in ten thousand years? Wouldn’t we have been tired already of doing the same things over again? Of celebrating the holidays like we’ve always done before? Of doing the routines that would keep us fit, or even of inventing some new way of entertaining ourselves?
At one point or another, maybe we’d arrive at what Solomon says in Ecclesiastes- there is nothing new under the sun. We’d get tired of the cycles we’ve been so happy about before. We’d care not for the showers of spring, nor for the snow that falls in winter. We’d find the meaninglessness of everything. And as Buddhists believe, we’d realize that we’d soon desire to escape the endless suffering we’ve subjected ourselves into. The very thing we’ve desperately desired to possess, the one thing we’d have lusted for would have become our own curse.
For people who seek forever, let a contemplation be made on how that forever is going to be spent and for what need that would serve us all. If not, and if wishes were granted indeed, we may have just been praying for our own hell, a hell we may not be able to escape. There is nothing new under the sun, and everything is passing as this world is whose fate had already been set since its fall. Everything shall come to an end except for one thing, the only thing that needs nothing new under the sun. Indeed, what remains is LOVE, the only thing that yields not to death but makes all things eternal, beautiful and new. 🙂
A Hug for You
Nothing can compare to the warmth
generated by a hug.
No person feels as secure, as intimate, as needed, as loved, as someone being hugged.
At times I forget the nicest things said about me, but I cannot forget those times I have been hugged.
For surely, it brushes away our fears and turns our tears into waterfalls of grace.
Don’t be ashamed to ask for it from those whom you know has great concern for you.
Oftentimes, people really want to give it away, but are just afraid to offer it. Such people would be more than willing to give to you that loving embrace if only you will ask.
So why not ask?
Let me be the first to give you one, here’s a warm hug for a beloved child of God 🙂
My friend,
you are dearly loved.
Even when you don’t feel it sometimes;
Even when people fail to tell you
just how much you mean to them;
Even when people don’t express it
the way you want them to.