To be vulnerable

For what kind of man could ever find it so easy to let another one touch his very being at its weakest? Man would defend his wounds as he would defend his life. To trust is to be vulnerable, and to be vulnerable is to die. And few would ever risk dying in order to find new life.

At least one grieving soul

If I can only embrace each wounded man as God has embraced me, I would do so. But my strength is not enough, and my heart is not big enough to bear all their sorrows. I can only be a friend to some, a soothing light to few, and hope that by God’s Grace, I can at least comfort one grieving soul in my lifetime.

Best Life Quotes

I weep

I saw a world crying out so badly for redemption. And then I saw towering temples and halls whose cold walls could only utter judgment and condemnation.

Best Life Quotes

In the shadow of the night

I tried to seek the cause of my discontent, and I discovered that the darkness that covers the world comes from the numbness of so many shattered souls whose hidden griefs could not bear to see the light.


It is so unfortunate that the world’s beauty should only be as great as its misery.