Have you ever come to a place of perfect peace where nothing, not even the very pangs of death could ever hurt you? When you reach that sacred place, you have not only come to a place of wholeness, you have also come to a place of great power! In that place where you seem to have nothing, you realize that all is yours, and you have everything!
Author: Jocelyn Soriano
See her books like "Questions to God", "Mend My Broken Heart", "To Love an Invisible God", "Defending My Catholic Faith", "Of Waves and Butterflies: Poems on Grief" and more - click here.
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(You may freely quote excerpts from this website as long as due credit is given to author Jocelyn Soriano and the website itakeoffthemask.com)
“Be angry but do not sin.”
anger is after all
only an emotion
that is neutral in itself
we can sin while we are angry
as we can sin while we are sad
or even when we are happy
maybe we just noticed
that we only sin more
when we are angry
for anger is a powerful emotion
that can overpower us
if we do not know
for why
or how
we should express it
Who am I?
Who am I that heaven should be kind to me?
Who am I that angels should bow down before me?
Am I not a mist that comes and goes
or a frost that forms and quickly melts away?
Who am I?
I am but a leaf the wind tosses about
I am but a flower that blooms and then withers away
I can find no lovely thing in me
I can see nothing that I wanted you to see
Had I seen it
I’d have had no reason to fear
Had I found it
I’d have lifted up my face towards the stars
Who am I?
What say you to a nameless fool?
Had somebody known
Had somebody only told me
Had somebody seen the faintest shadow that I left
I would have died
I would have loved
I would have lived again
listen to the wind
to the earth
to the fire that growls
from beneath your feet
what do you hear?
what do you believe?
will there ever be another sound
another space
another melody
no there will never be another
you’ve heard it only once
and no more
maybe only once more
the one that you can hear over and over again
the one from within you
the sound that clung
to your very soul