Cory Q Tan’s books have always left me wanting to read more. I’ve always considered them “classics” in the making, and I’m just fortunate enough to be among those who were first able to read them.
His latest book, “A Family Dinner” is no exception. Although the events include elements of fantasy, the story itself is very much grounded in real life. This authenticity gives me a certain feeling of nostalgia, like I’m entering a portal back to my childhood. Reading this story also relaxes me and takes away my stress.
The illustration is superb, I wish I could draw like that! Meanwhile, the story is told in a simple yet very effective way. There are even lessons one can learn here and there told in such a natural and easy manner that makes it all the more memorable. I’m also fascinated that in this story, it is the father that goes in a wonderful adventure!
This is a highly recommended book!