When you go out to the world, prepare your heart, for the world will judge you based on your riches, your strength and your success. You need not fear all these however unless you judge yourself also based on the same standards.
Category: Best Life Quotes
New Hope
A new hope every morning. We all need it. We are given it. Just like the rising of the sun. Receive that hope, let it cast its light upon your heart. Let it be as a bread that feeds your soul until it is satisfied.
Take Courage!
I have not claimed you as mine to be a coward, to give up in an instance of discomfort or difficulty. Take courage! Be the warrior you’re supposed to be. Keep in mind you are a child of the King!
Strive to Seek for Truth
Let us always strive to seek for the truth. Truth, when finally revealed to us, sets us free, humbles us, and gives us a warm and grateful heart!
Being Idealistic
People who are most idealistic could very well be the saddest and bitterest also unless they find their ideals in Christ who alone is able to satisfy our Highest and Most Sublime thoughts while at the same time grounding all these in Truth.