Best Life Quotes

Mother Teresa Quote on Love


mother teresa quote on love 2012

Do not think that love, in order to be genuine, has to be extraordinary. What we need is to love without getting tired. – Mother Teresa

Best Life Quotes

Beautiful Love Quotes

Just sharing some beautiful love quotes. Do enjoy and share! 😉

Best Life Quotes

Some Poems to Help Brighten Your Day

some poems to brighten up your day 2012Just some poems to brighten up your day!  🙂


The rain is pouring
The sky is dark
There’ll be no hills to climb today
There’ll be no seas to cross
But I’ll sip my coffee
and I will be cozy
and enjoy the cool wind
blowing by

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This Is The Great Pause In Between

This is the great pause in between work and play
the great silence between a song, and another song

This is Selah, this is s p a c e
This is the point at which the earth neither slumbers nor wakes up

This is the great pause in between crying and laughing
between getting sick and getting well again

(continue reading…)

Best Life Quotes

Acceptance-One of The Secret Keys to Happiness and Success

To accept
what has been
what IS
and what will be,
To be able to stand
and unshakable
as a mighty rock
that does not complain
nor wince out loud,
To be able to accept everything
and still stand,
is to truly possess
great power.
It is when things
have already been counted as lost
that all things rise yet again
to be gained.

Best Life Quotes

Friendship Quote by Ben Jonson

944001_old_men_2True friendship consists not in the multitude of friends, but in their worth and value. – BEN JONSON