Best Life Quotes Uncategorized

Only God

We can search for hope in the strongest of places, and in the best of people, and they shall fall one by one. Only God suffices. Only God.

Best Life Quotes

In Heaven’s Eyes

As we close our eyes and clasp our hands in prayer, as we lay bare our deepest sorrow and our highest praise, as we move from our anguish and brokenness, and enter the solemnity of God’s Divine Presence, I don’t think we differ ever so greatly. I don’t think we pray ever so differently.

Best Life Quotes

Let there be Light!

Und Gott sprach: Es werde licht! And God said, let there be light!

Best Life Quotes

Inner wounds

Why must old wounds be opened up to inflict me with pain I thought I’ve long gone over with? In anger, I’ve asked this of God, and in shame I’ve learned that there are still inner wounds, deeper wounds that need to be sought and healed.

Best Life Quotes

To be vulnerable

For what kind of man could ever find it so easy to let another one touch his very being at its weakest? Man would defend his wounds as he would defend his life. To trust is to be vulnerable, and to be vulnerable is to die. And few would ever risk dying in order to find new life.