Best Life Quotes

Inspirational Quote1


inspiring quote 1

It is not the absence of darkness that makes a soul great,but the ability to deal with and overcome as much darkness as it possibly can.

Best Life Quotes

Saving the Good Times

Good times were not meant to be savored only at the present moment, but a wealth of joy which should be carefully bundled and saved for the trying times ahead.

Best Life Quotes

Accepting my flaws

I have learned to accept my flaws and weaknesses. I have learned to be at peace with them.

I have also learned that despite them, God has still made me fully equipped to accomplish my destiny!

Best Life Quotes

People Are Not Perfect

People are not perfect.


But that doesn’t mean


they can never be good.


Neither does it mean


that they can never


love us back.

Best Life Quotes

Early Christmas

Once in a year,Christmas awakens in us the most beautiful part of ourselves.

It is not our business to whine,but to hope,and to receive the sweet fruits of that hope.

Sometimes,it is not what we do for other people that counts. Its the kind of person you are that matters.

Heaven is so much nearer than we often think it to be.

God does not take us only when we are lovable,but moreso when we are most in need of love.