Best Life Quotes


I got very stressed yesterday.  I was utterly down, and I guess I wanted to be down.  I wanted to know what will happen when I’m down. Will somebody lift me up? Will somebody make me laugh and distract me from my woes?  I knew I acted childishly, and I just let anger consume me to the point that I really cried.  Well, crying helped somehow, but it didn’t help me much to get over my “downness”.  I was sad that when I start behaving like this, and when I’m not my “responsible” self anymore, no one seems to take on the role of being responsible for me.  No one seems to notice where I’m spiralling downwards into. But I guess that’s really what it is, a spiral downwards.  Anger, fear, negativism, they magnify each moment you let them in, and the more you entertain them, the harder it is to float back into the surface and breathe.

Yet for what it’s worth, I’ve realized God didn’t really let me down at all. For in the evening, my sisters and I had a nice chat and even made some really good laughs. And this morning, I came across a very positive website which enlightened me and reminded me of the right way to go.  It’s like God saying, I love you. I don’t want to see you down. You are never alone.

Best Life Quotes

Time Wasters for Bloggers

Sometimes we’re guilty of wasting our time in the internet no matter how much we desire to make the most of our time and blog about topics that help and inspire our readers. In view of that, I’ve written an article about activities that most commonly waste a blogger’s time in my new website. Read more about Time Wasters for Bloggers

Best Life Quotes Uncategorized

Only God

We can search for hope in the strongest of places, and in the best of people, and they shall fall one by one. Only God suffices. Only God.

Best Life Quotes

In Heaven’s Eyes

As we close our eyes and clasp our hands in prayer, as we lay bare our deepest sorrow and our highest praise, as we move from our anguish and brokenness, and enter the solemnity of God’s Divine Presence, I don’t think we differ ever so greatly. I don’t think we pray ever so differently.

Best Life Quotes

I weep

I saw a world crying out so badly for redemption. And then I saw towering temples and halls whose cold walls could only utter judgment and condemnation.