Healing Life Spirituality

How To Give Unconditional Love

Have you ever wondered how only God can love us unconditionally?  Because only God is perfect and need not anything from us.  If He will love us, we can be certain that it’s not because He wants anything back.

We can’t love like that.  Our love, however good is still conditional.  We want something in return because we are not perfect, and we try to get from others what we lack.

That is the reason Jesus gave us two commandments, why we needed to love God first.  In truth, it is a command to allow God to love us, to be so embraced and ensured that we couldn’t ask for anything more.  In that way only can we love others truly as God has loved us.

That kind of love is therefore not waiting for any condition or reward.  That love is also not boastful, self righteous or looking down upon another person because it knows that whatever love it can give has come not from itself but from God, like the moon reflecting only the light cast upon it by the sun.

It is hence our first duty to seek God’s love, to know, to believe, to feel, to be enveloped in the Light of God’s marvellous compassion.  All else that follows are but mere expressions of our gratitude for the priceless gift we have received.

Whenever I feel injured or angry against another, it is most likely because I felt unloved at that time and the solution is not to continue seeking it from the person concerned but from God Himself.