


This is the secret of flying:

When there is tremendous pressure all about you that you can do nothing but to rise above it all less be crushed underneath!


Perfect Peace

Have you ever come to a place of perfect peace where nothing, not even the very pangs of death could ever hurt you? When you reach that sacred place, you have not only come to a place of wholeness, you have also come to a place of great power! In that place where you seem to have nothing, you realize that all is yours, and you have everything!



I hid my uniqueness when I hid my scars,
for the world only knew of smiles
that know no tears.





listen to the wind

to the earth

to the fire that growls

from beneath your feet


what do you hear?

what do you believe?

will there ever be another sound

another space

another melody


no there will never be another

you’ve heard it only once

and no more

maybe only once more

the one that you can hear over and over again

the one from within you

the sound that clung

to your very soul


Why the veil?



Sometimes I wonder how God with all His love and mercy did not show us all directly, clearly and astoundingly that there is indeed an afterlife, or a heaven and hell for that matter.  Why keep the veil upon his suffering people?  And why reveal it to a chosen few?  Does God not love us all?


Recalling however the parable of the weeds that grew with the good seed, maybe God does not want the good that would come out of it all by killing every weed that afflicts us in this life.  Maybe it is enough to have left a few rays of hope that we may believe and yet not waste what good this lfe may offer us all.