
Prayer of a Sick Man

prayer of a sick manMy Lord, I’ve been bed-ridden for so long that I could hardly remember the time I’ve been well enough to take a simple walk out of my garden. I’ve been suffering night and day and the pangs of pain seem to get stronger with the passing of each day. I am losing hope of ever getting any better, of being well again.

And my pain only doubles up whenever I see the suffering of my own family. I know how much they miss the person I used to be. I know the troubles they gothrough to put up happy faces infront of me while hiding away their own pain. They don’t want me to worry so they say that everything’s fine. But I know that things are not so fine anymore. Surely by now the house is already mortgaged and the kids are working triple time just so they can pay the loan. Surely by now prospects of a new business project is dim and my wife is pulling herself two ways – attending to me and worrying about our financial distress. I should be the man of the house.

I should be the one taking care of my family. But here am I lying in bed, waiting for my hour when I shall shatter their hearts again just so I can escape from pain. Forgive me God for my waning courage. Forgive me for giving up hope at the time it is needed most.

I come before you almighty Healer. If my time has truly come, let it be so. But I will not give up without a fight. I trust in your goodness and unfailing love. I trust that the miracles you did you still do today and if only you will will it, you can heal me. You can save me and my loved ones from these dark days that have sapped all our laughter and our hope. Touch me O God with your healing power, forgive me of my sins and let me arise from this bed, whole and willing to serve you strongly once again!


An Old Man’s Prayer

Dear God, you had always been there for me, through every trial and every tear, through every victory and through every joy. I couldn’t have made it through without you. I couldn’t have lived a beautiful life were it not for your grace and your love. There is just so much to be thankful for, especially for the people who truly made this life worthwhile. Many of them had already gone, many I do not know where their own journeys led them. But just the same O Lord, I thank you for we have touched one another’s lives. I shall never forget them, and their lives will always be a part of mine.


Prayer of a Blind Man

Dear Jesus, they say that the world is so beautiful and it is just a pity that I couldn’t see it. They say that there are so many wonderful colors around, colors that make you happy and that brightens up your day. They exclaim, “What a beautiful sunrise!” or “What a magnificent sunset!”, and then they tell me just how much they wanted to share those things to me. And I believe they are able to, Jesus. They are able to share their happiness with me even if they’re not able to share their eyes. And I am grateful to them. I thank you for all the wondrous gifts you have given us in this world.


Prayer of a Burnt Out Office Worker

prayer of a burnt out office worker

Dear Father, the noise of the world is too great; the demands of the day too high. Things are happening so fast that they are over even before I begin to realize that they have come. I don’t know anymore which of the things I do makes any sense at all. I don’t know anymore where I am going though too often I find myself rushing about so much, afraid that I might be left behind if I care to find a single moment of peace.

And yet this time I can no longer drag myself into the chaos where I chose to live. Cup after cup of brewed coffee could no longer give me the energy I need to finish loads and loads of paperwork that lay upon my desk. I pray to you dear Father. I pray for the peace you have promised us, a peace that transcends all understanding, a peace that never shatters with the most troubling shadows of the night. Silence the worries that lurk upon my mind, the fears that have only driven me to burnout and stress.

In this moment of prayer, let there be silence. Let there be peace. Free me from my fears and calm my shaking nerves. Let me see clearly that which really matters in life. I offer you everything, that in my nothingness I may find all that I need. Your Presence is all that I need O God, and in your Holy Presence there is peace.


A Single Woman’s Prayer

a single woman's prayerDear Lord, I have just come from a family reunion, and they have asked me again whence I shall be finally settling down. Yes, Lord, each time they see me they would ask me the same old question, and I would say the same answer: “I don’t know”. Sometimes I don’t want to answer them anymore. Sometimes I just want to tell them to mind their own business. But I know that would not be pleasing to you. And that would only hurt the people who are only concerned that I finally find my happiness.

But really Lord, I do get tired of these questions. And I do get hurt sometimes when people judge me whenever they don’t hear the response they want. They tend to think I’m too picky, that my standards are too high, that I’m a difficult person to put up with, that I’m just too selfish to be able to commit myself to someone and be responsible for my own family. At other times there is even a look of pity in their eyes as though I’ve been overlooked a hundred times by eligible me over someone more attractive, more loving and more adorable. It’s as though my personality and worth had been measured by a single prejudicial criteria – that I’m still single.

Lord, I must admit I do have a desire to find that special person in my life. One whom I shall love; one who will love me in return; one with whom I can raise a happy family; one who will grow with me spiritually and journey with me in this beautiful life you have given us all. I wait for that person O God and I pray for him. I pray that he grow in wisdom and in love so he can be the head of our household when the right time comes. But before that opportune time, before that blessed time you have willed dear Lord, I pray that you lead me away from temptation that I may come upon your altar clean and ready as an offering for the man you have prepared for me. I pray for the patience to wait for that time, and I pray for the hope that never wavers in dark and lonely times.

I pray Lord, that I may grow into a beautiful woman right where I am today, bringing light and inspiration to those that come my way. May I be able to use the talents and gifts you have given me and may I be able to bring love and joy and peace wherever your hand will lead me at the time I possess right now. I am a single woman O Lord, yet I am not alone. I am still to build my own family, but that doesn’t make my life right now any less meaningful nor beautiful. You are the One who upholds me, and you are the One who gives me joy wherever I may be.