
Truth Is Not as Complicated as We Imagine It to Be

Image by Sanchez Lin from Pixabay

I think that it is inherent in human beings to seek the spiritual, something that transcends the physical world that is visible to our eyes. But in our search for the transcendent, we often make things more complicated than they’re supposed to be.

We want rituals and secret words and long ceremonies. We try to discover what only the wisest of men could possibly comprehend.

I guess we can’t believe something is true unless that truth involves a lot of difficult ideas. We can’t believe that truth can be so simple even children could understand it.

And so truth could be right before our eyes and we refuse to see it. Truth could be pursuing us, but we refuse to be found.

Why think that truth is that hard to grasp?

If it’s the truth, it should be evident, it should be seen all around you. The mountains, the clouds and the seas should proclaim it. The very ground you’re standing upon should possess it.

The truth is within you. But you need to be silent enough to hear it, humble enough to receive it, and thirsty enough to let it satisfy your soul.

“At that time Jesus exclaimed, ‘bless you, Father, Lord of heaven and of earth, for hiding these things from the learned and the clever and revealing them to mere children.’” – Matthew 11:25, WEBBE


God Is With You In Your Darkest Hour

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

God knows how weak we are and how lost we are and how dark this world is. He knows how much we suffer. He is not ignorant of the hurts that tear our hearts apart. If we could look through His eyes, maybe we can see each other better. Maybe we’d realize how hard each one of us has been trying all along. Trying so hard to survive despite the pain. Trying our very best to do good despite falling again and again. Trying our utmost to love.

Never think that He does not see you. Never ever think that He doesn’t care for you. If He ever holds back from helping you right now, it is because He is waiting to reap the sweetest fruits from your bitterest trials. He knows you, He knows just how much you can bear. Lift up your eyes then in prayer and have faith. Though God is silent, He is with you. Though God seems far away, He abides in the innermost chambers of your heart.


Why Should My Faith Be Quarantined?

Image by congerdesign from Pixabay

Everybody’s aching. Everybody’s searching for a little bit of comfort and of hope. These days, however, it seems politically incorrect to tell others about your faith, especially when your faith is about Jesus. When you share your faith, it’s as though you’re immediately judging and condemning other people.

But sharing my faith is also sharing my hope. If I truly believe that Jesus has the remedy to this seemingly meaningless existence, why should I not share the answer I have found? Why is it wrong to share the most important thing that ever gave meaning to my life?

Everybody seems to be looking for some kind of relief. And we’re allowed to seek it for as long as we don’t seek it in Jesus. Again, I’d like to ask, “Why?”

Why should I keep to myself something that I believe to be true? If I see souls dying each day, souls that do not know where to turn to, should I not lead them where they can finally be satisfied? Should I not point the way where they can be healed?

I’d like to let others know that we can find in God the kind of happiness that has often eluded us. I’d like to tell the world that even when loved ones die, there is hope that we can meet them again because this life is not yet the end. I’d like to shout out loud that the kind of love we have been searching for can be found in Him who sacrificed His own life so we may not lose ours.

Despite all these, the world seems to say, “Just keep it to yourself.”

But how could I? Do you just keep your bread to yourself even when you see a poor man dying of hunger? Do you keep medicine to yourself even when you see a sick person in pain?

Everyone’s afraid of being judged, and yet it’s so easy to judge those who believe in God. Everyone preaches about tolerance, and yet there is no true freedom for those who see a different kind of Light.

Why must faith in Jesus be quarantined? Why must believers hide behind a mask?

“Some of the Pharisees from the multitude said to him, ‘Teacher, rebuke your disciples!’
He answered them, ‘I tell you that if these were silent, the stones would cry out.’”
– Luke 19:39-40, WEB-BE


The Man After God’s Own Heart

In the Bible, King David was the only man referred to as the man after God’s own heart. When we read the Bible, however, we’d know that he is the same man who had been guilty of murdering the husband of the woman he coveted to be his own.

How could it be? Considering the gravity of his sins, how could he be near God’s heart?

Then I saw the image of the Divine Mercy, the image of Jesus pointing towards His heart that had been pierced for our sake. That same heart from which the fountain of Infinite Mercy flows.

And then I realized something. David can be the man after God’s own heart not because of his perfection but because of his humility. After his great fall, he sincerely repented from his sins and he sought the mercy of God. He did not doubt His goodness. He continued to believe that despite all of his sins, God can still forgive him.

David found comfort in God’s heart. He found solace in His Infinite Mercy.

Other people may have been more righteous in following God’s laws. But in the end, if we do not recognize that all goodness comes from God, we’d never realize the depths of His mercy for us.

King David saw the truth about himself. But he never lost sight of God’s love. Instead of turning away, he drew near. Instead of losing hope, he trusted the heart of God.

journal Spirituality

In Search of the Beautiful and of the Good

All my life, I’ve felt that I had always been searching for the beautiful and the good. I wanted to find it in this world I’m living in. I wanted to find it in myself. I wanted to find it in other people.

Whenever I had a glimpse of it, I feel that my life becomes meaningful. Somehow, I feel that the beauty and the goodness I see transfer a little bit of their substance in me, and I, too, become beautiful and good.

It’s like looking at a magnificent sunrise and being showered by its warmth. A warmth that warms not only one’s body but also one’s heart and soul.

In that small space of time, as I gaze upon the rising sun, I absorb some of its light, and some of its magnificence. I, too, become a little sun that’s filled with warmth and with light.

Oh, that I may also absorb the beauty of Him whose beauty and whose light is beyond measure. May I not neglect those moments of prayer when I become immersed in His goodness and His goodness somehow makes its way upon my soul.

“Late have I loved you, O Beauty ever ancient, ever new, late have I loved you! You were within me, but I was outside, and it was there that I searched for you. In my unloveliness I plunged into the lovely things which you created. You were with me, but I was not with you. Created things kept me from you; yet if they had not been in you they would have not been at all. You called, you shouted, and you broke through my deafness. You flashed, you shone, and you dispelled my blindness. You breathed your fragrance on me; I drew in breath and now I pant for you. I have tasted you, now I hunger and thirst for more. You touched me, and I burned for your peace.”- St. Augustine