
Are You Afraid of God?

“Never permit your soul to be sad and live in bitterness of spirit or scrupulous fear, since He who loved it and died to give it life is so good, so sweet, so amiable.” -St. Francis de Sales

“For I, the Lord, do not change…” — Malachi 3:6, NABRE

God’s commandments had to be given first before God’s mercy is fully revealed. People must know what justice is so that they can truly appreciate what mercy and forgiveness means.

“Come to me, all you who labour and are heavily burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart; and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” (Matthew 11:28–30, WEBBE)


Why Is Evil So Attractive?

We want to believe we’re choosing what’s good even if we are actually taking the wrong path.

We tend to forget that little evil, thinking it would go away and that it wouldn’t cause us or others much harm. What we fail to consider is that evil grows. From that little seed of darkness, great evil grows and consumes everything along the way.

“Now I know the full power of evil. It makes ugliness seem beautiful and goodness seem ugly and weak.” — August Strindberg, The Dance of Death

Now the serpent was more subtle than any animal of the field which Yahweh God had made. He said to the woman, “Has God really said, ‘You shall not eat of any tree of the garden’?”

journal Spirituality

A List of Some of the Most Valuable Lessons I’ve Learned in Life

  1. Only God can make you truly happy.
  2. Even the best of people will fail you. Don’t expect people to be like God.
  3. Forgive yourself and get up quickly after each fall. Let not your mistake bring you to despair, but towards the path of humility.
  4. Things will not always happen as planned, learn to be resilient. Do your best and let God’s beautiful plan for you unfold in His time.
  5. Worry is useless. We can never know what will happen next. Even if your worry comes true, remember that your worry never helped you at all. It just took away your joy for the present and robbed you of the time you could have spent better. You spend time better when you do things out of love rather than out of fear.
  6. It is useless trying to please people. Most people won’t be pleased anyway, and no one who has only lived for the approval of others has ever been pleased with oneself. Please God and you will discover also what will satisfy your soul.
  7. Evil may seem to triumph for a while, but it is Light that will always triumph in the end.
  8. Truth doesn’t have to be complicated. You will understand how simple truth is once you seek it with all your heart.
  9. Evil may seem to have a good time. It gains wealth, fame and power. It laughs and pretends to have joy. But remember that there can be no true peace for the wicked.
  10. You need two things to make the right decision?—?your conscience and your commonsense. You lose more and more of both once you lose your faith in God.
  11. Pride is often the culprit that robs us of our happiness.
  12. We can often blame God for many things, especially for the sufferings we experience in this life. In the end, however, God is our only hope, and the only answer to the deepest desires of our hearts.

Are You In a Long Distance Relationship with God?

Have you ever felt as though you were in a long distance relationship with God? I did. For quite some time, I never thought I was. But just recently, while I was reading “The Practice of the Presence of God” by Brother Lawrence, I’ve realized the kind of relationship I’ve had all along.

What’s a long distance relationship? It’s the kind when you and your loved one are separated by distance such that you have very less time together. If you could spend time together somewhat, it’s on very rare occasions. Most of the time, you communicate through letters, emails or phone calls. You may also use social media a lot.

With my relationship with God, I couldn’t say that I never talk to Him, because I did. But those times were not as often as I should have.

For instance, I do pray in the morning and at night. I also pray the rosary in the afternoon. Once in a while, I read the Bible or some religious books. I also remember Him whenever I listen to inspirational or religious songs, not to mention love songs that also remind me of Him.

That’s just like having a relationship with someone from a distance. Someone you just talk to over set periods of time. Someone you write to. Someone you remember now and then. But for most of the day, you’re not with that person. You are not in his presence.

Compare this kind of relationship with someone who spends most of the day with you. While you may not be together all the time, you spend more moments together. You’re together as you watch your favorite shows. You enjoy each other’s company while you eat your meals. You may even clean the house together or do some chores while in each other’s presence.

Do you also have a long distance relationship with God? What are the ways you can find so you can stay in His Presence all the time?

“You see God created you and I
to be happy in this life
and the next… He cares for you.
He watches your every move.
There’s no one that loves you
can do that.”
– Mother Angelica


Sweet Conversations With God

“There is not in the world a kind of life more sweet and delightful than that of a continual conversation with God. Those only can comprehend it who practise and experience it; yet I do not advise you to do it from that motive. It is not pleasure which we ought to seek in this exercise; but let us do it from a principle of love, and because God would have us.”– Brother Lawrence, The Practice of the Presence of God

Have you ever had a phone conversation with someone you hardly realized you were speaking for hours? Have you ever spent a day with a dear friend feeling at the end of it that the time you spent together was too short?

If we can have such thoughts and feelings with other people, could it be that we could also feel something similar when we are in God’s presence?

And if we could practice sensing the presence of God each day, wouldn’t it be wonderful to be able to talk with Him during the day?

We can talk with Him in the morning as we prepare ourselves for the day’s tasks. We can talk with Him as we go about our duties. We can talk with Him when we’re having our meals. We can talk with Him before we go to sleep.

He is our dear Friend, the One who loves us and watches over us. May we find the time today to have these sweet conversations with Him as we bask in the light of His Presence.

“Wherever I go, God is with me in my poor heart. That’s the little house where I dwell; it’s my heaven here on earth. I live with God; and despite being on walks, we converse with each other without anyone being able to surprise us or interrupt us. If you knew Him enough, you would love Him. If you were with Him for one hour, you’d know just what heaven on earth is.” -St. Teresa of the Andes (letter 40)

“It is not necessary for being with God to be always at church. We may make an oratory of our heart wherein to retire from time to time to converse with Him in meekness, humility, and love. Every one is capable of such familiar conversation with God, some more, some less. He knows what we can do. Let us begin, then. Perhaps He expects but one generous resolution on our part.”– Brother Lawrence, The Practice of the Presence of God