God often allows times of silence that test our faith. Times like that, I long to hear His voice again. Why couldn’t He speak? Why couldn’t He just tell me what to do? Has He forgotten me? Is He mad at me?
What I’ve realized is that in everything that God does, we can always count upon His love. Even when He is silent.
I’ve learned that many times, His silence is His way of preparing us for something good, something that can only be achieved after He has allowed us to wait for Him.
One such moment came for me recently. After some time of silence, He spoke again. Not in an audible kind of way, but in a way that only the heart and the soul could possibly understand.
Unexpectedly and wonderfully, I heard Him once again and what He said lifted my soul in bliss. They were but simple words, but they were words that were full of meaning and love to me. They were words that told me that I had never been forgotten, and that God is there. He is asking me to come and trust Him, and shall I refuse?
How could He come in such a gentle and humble way? In such a sweet and kind way. Ah, I guess it’s because He knows me so well. He doesn’t want me to be scared. He knows how I’m but a child in front of Him. A child who is afraid of many things.
His words brought me comfort. It gave me courage in times of darkness and despair. I need not be afraid anymore because He is there. He is the Light that will always guide my way.
“Then into His hand went mine,
And into my heart came He;
And I walk in a light Divine,
The path I had feared to see.”
—George MacDonald