The world measures us with our accomplishments,
But God measures us with our efforts;
The world measures us with our reputation,
But God measures us with our character;
The world measures us with our riches,
But God measures us with our love.
Category: Spirituality
Your Deepest Desire
If we can just set aside the need to conform to the measures of the world – what success is, what happiness is, what a fulfilled life is like – we can start to dream from the deepest parts of our hearts, and we can hear that small voice whispering where we truly belong, what we really ought to do, and what could really make us happy.
Humbled by the Truth
We are humbled both by the truths that we get to know and by those truths we know we do not know yet. It is by this lack of knowledge that we may give others at least the benefit of the doubt and avoid judging others so easily. For all we know, we could be wrong. In the same way, others could be wrong about us. Only God knows us that intimately and by the light of His truth, He will set us free!
Revealing Our Shadows
It is both humbling and painful once God reveals to us our shadows and weaknesses, thing we’d rather ignore and forget altogether. But there is a need for all of such things to be brought out into the light so we may find healing, so we can be whole. It is in God’s mercy that He usually doesn’t reveal all of our shadows at once, for then we might succumb to despair. But He reveals them to us one by one, at their proper time, after we have gained the grace and strength to face and overcome them.
How Do You See God?
God is in all things that are beautiful, pure and true. We may not see Him face to face yet. But we can see His fingerprints in all that He has made. We can find traces of His reflection in all that moves and lives in peace, self-giving and love.