
The Infinite Love and Mercy of God

The Infinite Love and Mercy of God

We have a God who understands how it’s like to be hurt.


God cares for our hurts.  The God who hears each heartbeat also hears the cry of every broken heart.  He is not a God who is faraway and watching over the clouds, untouched by our miseries or unaware of our limitations.  He knows our frailty.  He knows our frustrations, and He has shared in our deepest griefs.

In sinking to the depths he rose to the heights. Now he has radically fulfilled the commandment of love, he has completed the offering of himself, and in this way he is now the revelation of the true God, the God who is love. Now we know who God is. Now we know what true kingship is. Jesus prays Psalm 22, which begins with the words: “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” (Ps 22:2). He takes to himself the whole suffering people of Israel, all of suffering humanity, the drama of God’s darkness, and he makes God present in the very place where he seems definitively vanquished and absent. The Cross of Jesus is a cosmic event. The world is darkened, when the Son of God is given up to death. The earth trembles. And on the Cross, the Church of the Gentiles is born. The Roman centurion understands this, and acknowledges Jesus as the Son of God. From the Cross he triumphs ­ ever anew.” – Pope Benedict XVI


We have been so used to hearing the Christmas story and the Passion of Jesus that we no longer see the meaning and reality of everything that has happened.  Such stories were not written to amuse us, but to help us understand how the Unseen God has left His place of glory to dwell in the darkness and poverty where we are.


Jesus felt real pain and distress.  He felt how it was to be criticized.  He knew how it felt to be convicted by those to whom He did nothing wrong.  The very people he helped and healed were the same ones who asked for His death.  The very friends He chose were the ones who betrayed him and denied Him during the time He needed their presence the most.  He suffered injustice, abandonment and mockery.  He saw His very own mother weeping with a broken heart as she watched her Son in the hands of those who knew no mercy.

No one can ever lead another into the light unless He is first able to come down into the darkness where such a one is lost.  He came down right where we’re hurting and understands every suffering we’re going through.


He was despised and rejected by men;

a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief;

and as one from whom men hide their faces

he was despised, and we esteemed him not.

Surely he has borne our griefs

and carried our sorrows…

-Isaiah 53

God sometimes allows pain to bring us back to Himself.

So I am going to take her into the desert again; there I will win her back with words of love. I will give back to her the vineyards she had and make Trouble Valley a door of hope. She will respond to me there as she did when she was young… Then once again she will call me her husband…Hosea 2:14-16

We look after many kinds of lovers in our lives.  Lovers that only disappoint us and shame us and leave us empty after using us.  It is not God’s will that these objects of our love cause us pain, but sometimes, God allows us to be hurt so we’d know we’re looking after the wrong kinds of affections to fill our emptiness.

I will show love to those who were called “Unloved,” … -Hosea 2:23


There is no limit to His mercy.

God is just, that is true.  But it is because He is just that He is also merciful.  He knows our weaknesses.  He knows how forgetful we are.  He knows how easily we are tempted and swayed into the wrong direction.


The Laws He gave were not meant to burden us.  They were meant to protect us, because God loves us so.

In times when we’re not able to do the right thing, God does not wait behind our backs so He could quickly condemn us.  He is the same Jesus who bestowed His mercy upon a thief while hanging at the cross.  He is the same Jesus who condemned not the woman caught in adultery but said, “Whichever one of you has committed no sin may cast the first stone at her.”

Tell them that no soul that has called
upon My mercy has been disappointed
or brought to shame.

I cannot punish even the greatest sinner if he makes an appeal to My compassion, but on the contrary, I justify him in My unfathomable and inscrutable mercy.


Jesus: My mercy is greater than your sins and those of the entire world. Who can
measure the extent of my goodness? For you I descended from heaven to earth;
for you I allowed myself to be nailed to the cross; for you I let my Sacred Heart be
pierced with a lance, thus opening wide the source of mercy for you. Come, then,
with trust to draw graces from this fountain. I never reject a contrite heart. Your
misery has disappeared in the depths of My mercy. Do not argue with Me about
your wretchedness. You will give me pleasure if you hand over to me all your
troubles and griefs. I shall heap upon you the treasures of My grace.

-Jesus to Sister Faustina, Diary of Divine Mercy


It is not because I have been preserved from mortal sin that I fly to God with loving confidence.  I know I should still have this confidence even if my conscience were burdened with every possible crime.  I should fling myself into the arms of my Savior, heartbroken with sorrow.  I know how he loved the prodigal son, I have heard his words to St. Mary Magdalene, to the woman taken in adultery, and to the woman of Samaria.  No, no one could frighten me, for I know what to think about his love and his mercy.  I know that a host of sins would vanish in the twinkling of an eye like a drop of water flung into a furnace. – St. Therese of Lisieux


Its not whether God can forgive our gravest sins, it’s whether we’d even want to ask for His forgiveness.-Joyce,


Here is my servant whom I have chosen,
the one I love, in whom I delight;
I will put my Spirit on him,
and he will proclaim justice to the nations.
He will not quarrel or cry out;
no one will hear his voice in the streets.
A bruised reed he will not break,
and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out…

-Matthew 12:18-20

O my divine Master, must it be only your justice which has its victims? Hasn’t your merciful love need of them too? It is everywhere rejected and ignored. Those on whom you long to lavish it seek a wretched, fleeting happiness in other creatures instead of flinging themselves into your arms and welcoming the flames of your divine love.  Must your rejected love stay shut up in your Heart? It seems to me that if you found souls offering themselves as sacrificial victims of your love, you would consume them speedily and would rejoice to unloose those torrents of infinite tenderness you hold within yourself. – St. Therese of Lisieux


He has not rejected my prayer; nor withheld his love from me.-Psalm 66

We can search for hope in the strongest of places, and in the best of people,and they shall fall one by one. Only God suffices. Only God.-Joyce,


Can a mother forget the baby at her breast
and have no compassion on the child she has borne?
Though she may forget,
I will not forget you!
See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands…

-Isaiah 49:15-16

Why does Jesus say “I thirst”? What does it mean? Something so hard to explain in words –  … “I thirst” is something much deeper than just Jesus saying “I love you.” Until you know deep inside that Jesus thirsts for you – you can’t begin to know who He wants to be for you. Or who He wants you to be for Him. – Mother Teresa


Why Seek The Invisible God?

why seek the invisible god 2012WHY SEEK THE INVISIBLE GOD?


Seeking God

There are times when we’re just so lonely and hurting that we can’t help but wonder if there is indeed a God who sees us, a God to whom we can go to when we have no else, not even our own strength.

But we are disheartened by our miseries, and by all the tragedies we see in the world.  In our minds, we fail to see a good God who cares for His children.  We ask, “How can there be a God in all these?”


Is There a God?

If I say that there is no God, I’d say there is no God who is responsible for all the unfairness and brutalities in this life, but then I’d also say that there is NO HOPE for all the victims of these brutalities. So I’d say there is a God, and that there is HOPE, and all is not yet lost.

Some people say that there is so much darkness in this world, and that is why we shouldn’t believe in God anymore. But I say that it is because there is so much darkness that I dare declare there is a God who can all bring us into the LIGHT. 😉 Jesus suffered and died, but God did not stop there. Jesus came out from death and lived again, and that is God’s plan for everyone.

I will show love to those who were called “Unloved,” … -Hosea 2:23

The Unseen God

Have you ever wondered why God is invisible? Why can’t we just see Him or even hear Him? Wouldn’t it have been better to be able to hear exactly what He wants us to do in our lives? But then again, do we really want that to happen?

The truth is that God is not invisible! He is only invisible because we wanted Him that way. We don’t want God meddling in our affairs or even showing His approval or disapproval in what we do. We want independence and freedom. We want to be apart from God!

Yet is God really apart from us? Not at all. God is watching us ever more closely, though with a veil so as not to be seen by those who don’t want to see Him. But in moments when we can’t take it anymore, in those moments in our lives when we’ve done all we could and achieved everything we felt like achieving and still felt empty, God is still there, ready to listen and to take us back. All we need is to approach the unseen God so we can finally see clearly the meaning of our lives.

Why We Come To God

We come to God in our restlessness, in our defeat, because we sought the answers to our troubles and we haven’t found what we’ve been looking for.

God understands our sorrow and our emptiness, and He is willing to heal us and to fill our hearts to the full so we can be whole again.

Oftentimes however, He is not able to do that because we remain unwilling to receive His answers.

Even in times when we seem to seek God,  in our hearts, we are not really looking for Him.  What we are looking for is a kind of genie whose powers can give us the world – the job we wanted to have, the partner we wanted to marry, the repentance of the person who caused us pain.  We do not seek God in order to find God, but to fill our hearts with something else!

Imagine courting a girl not because you really love her but because you want to have her wealth or acquire a good position in society.  Would this arrangement really be able to give you true and lasting joy?  What is it that you really seek?

God is More Than Enough

We often wonder why God often takes too long a time before He could answer our prayers, and the answer is that it took us that long a time before we could surrender to Him all our concerns.

How long did it take you to pray, “God, help me, do as you please and may Your best plan be done in my life!”

His best plan, not our own plans from our limited powers and understanding.

We don’t come to God so we can gain the world. We come to God because when we have God,we won’t need anything more!

One who is truly HAPPY in GOD is far away from evil. Her heart is so full of JOY that there is no more room for resentment, or anger, or unforgiveness or pride. All that there is is LOVE and utmost gratitude for all that she has received. There is no temptation that can steal her glance away from her LOVER for nothing and nobody else could ever be more beautiful than HE!


What Has God Done For Me So Far?

For many of us, God seems to be that faraway deity who watches over our troubled affairs, and never really doing anything to help us.  For many of us, God is a god who does NOTHING at all that benefits us!

In truth, it is God who does EVERYTHING, everything that is GOOD.

It is God who made the world we’re living in, who made the day and the night, who planted every tree that yields its fruits and who gathered the clouds to fall as rain and cause the crops to grow.  It is God who gave us breath, who gave us freewill, who gave us the opportunity to love and be loved in return.

It is God who gave us enough time on earth to know Him and to turn from our harmful ways.  It is God who sustains the sun and the earth, for both the good and the bad, for both the ones who acknowledge Him and for those who don’t.

It is God who sees each heartbreak.  It is God who came down to live as a man like us, and to be broken as well, so He might heal us and lead us to the Light.  It is God who chose to suffer injustice, betrayal and contempt so we may know that there is always One who understands us in our sorrows.  It is God who rose from death to life, so He might lead us to an everlasting One, far from any sickness and imperfection we now suffer from.

It is God who made everything for us, and who gave us the power to choose between life and death, between good and evil.  God isn’t just a God who waits, but a God who pursues us always until we can find our way back home to Him.


The One Who Pursues Us

It is God who pursues us

who uplifts us

and protects us

and provides for everything we need

It is God who loved us first

who showers us with every good thing

we do not even know

All that is required of us

is the faith to believe

that He is there

that He is our Greatest Lover

the source of all that’s wonderful

there is in our lives

It is our part to be able to receive

such a love

to rejoice

because we have been called

because we have been found

because we learn

that despite the mundaneness of what we see

we are special

we are cherrised

we are in truth

God’s beloved ones.


My Simple Beliefs

God is absolute, personal and good

Man is free

Life is infinitely getting better

unless we resist it (for the time being)

Life is both changing and unchanging

Sin is resisting what is good

We are not lost (for God has found us)

We are not being mercilessly punished (for we are forgiven)

We are not dreaming or suffering from illusion (for God is real)

We are here

God is here

Love is here



Pride Versus Grace – What is The Real Difference?

pride versus grace the difference 2012

The difference between pride and grace
is also the difference between pride and love,
for love is grace,
GRACE is love undeserved.

Pride is saying, “I deserved this, I alone worked for it!”
Grace is saying, “I deserved none of this, but ye have given me all.”

Pride is saying, “I owe nothing to anyone.”
Grace is saying, “I owe much, and yet I was forgiven.”

Pride is reaping exactly what one has expected.
Grace is astounded by the great harvest one has reaped.

Pride is saying, “I am God.”
Grace is saying, “God loves me and lives in me.”

Pride delights in judgment.
Grace uplifts the lowly with understanding.

Pride is always envious, because it sees itself more worthy than the rest.
Grace invokes only thankfulness, because it gives to those who deem themselves unworthy of it.

Pride is impatient with faults, because it fears rejection.
Grace is patient and kind, for the love it gives is without condition.

Pride is prone to greed, because it is afraid of poverty.
Grace fills those who are poor in spirit, and they shall lack nothing more.


The Unseen God

the unseen god

Have you ever wondered why God is invisible? Why can’t we just see Him or even hear Him? Wouldn’t it have been better to be able to hear exactly what He wants us to do in our lives? But then again, do we really want that to happen?

The truth is that God is not invisible! He is only invisible because we wanted Him that way. We don’t want God meddling in our affairs or even showing His approval or disapproval in what we do. We want independence and freedom. We want to be apart from God!

Yet is God really apart from us? Not at all. God is watching us ever more closely, though with a veil so as not to be seen by those who don’t want to see Him. But in moments when we can’t take it anymore, in those moments in our lives when we’ve done all we could and achieved everything we felt like achieving and still felt empty, God is still there, ready to listen and to take us back. All we need is to approach the unseen God so we can finally see clearly the meaning of our lives.