Best Life Quotes daily motivational affirmations Self-Development success Words of Wisdom

Conquering New Worlds

 I go there not to be comfortable,but to conquer new worlds.

 Consider not your losses,but the victories you have yet to achieve.

The more your struggles are,the sweeter also will be your success. 

Protect your vision. At times it is more important than your present accomplishments.

You have a dream. You may not know it yet,but it is there,

embedded in the deepest part of your heart.

live with no regrets!



Why God Doesn’t Give Us Our Desires

“You must rest, O soul, to receive your heart’s desire.”
-Streams in the Desert

Sometimes, God doesn’t give us the things we want
because He knows the things we truly desire,
desires that we may not even be aware of
because we do not truly know ourselves.

We cannot truly know ourselves unless we really choose to,
and we cannot discover our true desires
unless we let go of the things we think we want,
things borne not out of love,
but out of fear, anger or other things
other than what our inner heart is yearning for.

Had God immediately given us our requests,
our joy wouldn’t have had a chance to be complete
because we would have settled for the “Second best”.

But God allows us instead these momentary frustrations
so that we can discover little by little
what it is we truly desire.


Determination versus hardwork

I came to a very good realization this morning. I realized that there is one thing that’s missing in me, and that is the determination to reach my dreams. It’s true that I’ve been trying very hard in finding ways and means to realize my life goals, but trying hard isnt the same as being sufficient, trying hard isnt helping you keep your hopes alive when you meet one disappointment after another.

Sooner or later you’ll be exhausted, sooner or later you’ll give up. It’s as though you’re merely trying out your luck in the lottery, and when you don’t win, you say that at least you’ve tried, but it was just not meant for you, you weren’t lucky enough. But luck is truly not the question, for luck is not the same as destiny. And destiny can only be reached with a firm “resolve”.

When I studied hard to make it through college for instance, I didn’t just say I will try my best, and see where it gets me. I told myself that I will finish my studies whatever happens, whatever it takes! Whether I have enough money or not, whether the subjects are difficult or easy, I’m going to do it, and nobody’s stopping me. Destiny is like that. Its when you say to yourself that this is what you really want and you will never ever stop until you make your dreams come true!

“Determination as key to success” was written by HIYAS at ITAKEOFFTHEMASK.COM