The Inspirer once roamed the poor alleys of the country. In those dark alleys, she saw beggars, orphans, sick people, lonely people, those who knew no other existence but the darkness in which they trod.
Seeing their plight and feeling their sufferings as her own, the Inspirer’s heart broke within her and she felt like all the world was no more. There is no hope, no relief, no salvation. There is only a blackhole pulling ever inwards, contracting within its vacuum the emptiness that cannot even speak itself.
The Inspirer felt lost in the abyss, lost with all the hungry souls that cannot be fed. How can they ever find their way? How can even a flicker of life arise from where these people are?
The Inspirer was without her Defender, yet she must fight the gloom that crept at her soul. She was the only one in there who has ever known warmth, who has ever been acquainted with hope and joy and love.
She paused and steadied her breath. She prayed. And when she looked up at last upon the heavens, there she found her answer. For there, there shone the brightest stars she has ever seen!
All is not lost after all. Even in the darkness, there is a light to guide the way.