The INSPIRER was the source of light of all the Kingdom, without whom there can be no warmth nor joy nor hope. Such is the beauty of the Inspirer that whoever casts his eyes upon her gets easily filled with inexplicable happiness, his soul is easily healed.
It matters not then how hard the fight has been, how painful the blows received from the battle. They are easily forgotten with a single glance.
The DEFENDER shall offer his life for her, for without her there can be no life.
All that he does is because of her, and he can do all things for his beloved one.
No one knows COURAGE other than the Defender. For as much as his love for the Inspirer is, such also is the greatness of his courage and of his strength.
The Inspirer knows her Defender and she trusts him with her life.
She can be at peace because she knows she will be protected, that she will be cherrished, that she is being watched upon even as she sleeps.
The Inspirer doesn’t have to worry about anything. It will be provided her even before she asks.
The Inspirer doesn’t have to be afraid, she knows she is not alone. Even in the darkest valleys of death, she is not alone.
Such is the Inspirer’s gratitude for her Defender that she will never let her Light die out. No, not even waves upon waves of sorrow can quench her flaming Love.
The above is an excerpt from Jocelyn Soriano’s writings about the Inspirer’s Wisdom.