Today's Devotional

When God Speaks Through Silence

When God Speaks Through SilenceGod speaks to us in many ways.  He speaks to us through our various circumstances, through the people we meet, and through the Bible.  But it isn’t the words He speaks to us that causes our difficulty.  It is His silence that is often unbearable.

“My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”  (Matthew 27:46, NIV)  Didn’t we cry out the same thing when we failed to hear God’s words just when it’s darkest in our lives?

We wanted to hear Him speak to us, to encourage us, to tell us something that would put a little light where we are, and yet sometimes, all we could hear is His silence.

What I’ve realized however is that God continues to speak to us EVEN IN HIS SILENCE.  It may not be easy to understand, but after the trial, we’d discover how valuable that silence is.  Without that silence, we may not be able to hear His most important lessons for us.

What are some of the things God could be saying in His silence?  Here are just some of the things He could be telling you today:

-It is not yet time.

-I want you to rest for now.

-I want you to trust me more.

-I am watching you now as you grow.

-I have a plan.

-Give me time to accomplish what you cannot do on your own.

“God also speaks by his silence.” – Pope Benedict XVI

Today's Devotional

Are You Suffering From Joy Blindness?

are you suffering from joy blindnessHave you ever experienced days when nothing seems to work out in your favor? Days like that make you see the world through a dark glass. You see everything through eyes that make things darker and gloomier than it really is.

Sometimes, it even gets so dark that you totally couldn’t see the things that could have made you smile. Some people call this pessimism, but I sometimes call it JOY BLINDNESS.

Many people today suffer from JOY BLINDNESS, a disability to see the things that can really make them HAPPY. They have gifts but they can’t see and appreciate them. They have blessings, but they can’t enjoy them fully. It’s as though the glass is always half empty. It’s as though all they could look for is what’s missing in their lives.

If only we could SEE. If only we could put away that dark glass through which we have often seen the world. Maybe then we could finally see how blessed we really are. Maybe then we could finally see not only with our naked eyes, but with our hearts.

Then all the people went away to eat and drink, to send portions of food and to celebrate with great joy, because they now understood the words that had been made known to them. – Nehemiah 8:11-13, NIV