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Waiting for No God

When I was younger, I never thought there would come a time when this bible verse would come true – that there would come a time when no one would be waiting for God anymore.  Yet as I observe our times, I realized that the time may soon come to pass when God would be seeking out his people and no one would be looking back.  Why so?


Because the rich will have bought the idea of positivism to the extreme to the extent that they have learned to focus only on themselves and their needs, excluding everyone else that may get in the way of their perfectly established lives. The rich would have become indifferent, already possessing everything they thought they needed to live their lives to the full.


Because the poor would have thought of himself as being unloved, comparing himself to the rich one whom heaven has blessed far beyond the necessities he prayed for.  He would have lost his hope or grudgingly accepted his lot.  The poor would have grown a rage that consumes all of his soul.


The remaining people who claim to be religious would have become the self righteous judgmental people who neither understands the poor nor prays for the awakening of the rich.  The religious would judge the poor and the rich for their sins, but see not the dust in their own eyes.

There may soon come a time when all these would come to be, when the hearts of people have grown so cold as to forget the most important thing of all… authentic love.



“Be angry but do not sin.”

anger is after all
only an emotion
that is neutral in itself

we can sin while we are angry
as we can sin while we are sad
or even when we are happy

maybe we just noticed
that we only sin more
when we are angry
for anger is a powerful emotion
that can overpower us
if we do not know
for why
or how
we should express it


How do you call the rain?

I was at the door, sort of mumuring something and in deep concentration. It was a very hot afternoon and my sister kinda suspected I’m up to something weird again. I told her I’m praying for rain, and I invited her to pray for the same. She laughed and said that if she would be praying for something, she’d pray for something else, not for something as hard as that. She said it’s like we’d already be asking for a miracle, for it was indeed very hot, and there was not even a cloud in sight.In my heart though, I thought it wouldn’t really be that impossible. Rain is a very natural phenomena, and it’s been known to rain even in the middle of a hot summer day. It’s not like walking over water or multiplying bread to feed thousands. Rain can come and go anytime, so why can’t it be summoned in prayer? For the record, Jesus even made the storm stop and taught his disciples the meaning of faith. He taught us that we can do things greater than the miracles He did. And if He can command the storm to stop, why can’t we be able to summon a little bit of rain?

I even remember the time when I asked for a single rose and God gave me hundreds of flowers beyond my imagination! Of course some would say that would clearly be a different story. God could have easily led me to those flowers, whereas asking for rain is a very direct and immediate request, summoning something beyond the ability of man to create.

But then again, what have I got to lose? If it doesn’t rain, I get to enjoy my icecream. But if it does, everyone in the neighorhood gets to enjoy the cooler weather and be able to drink their afternoon coffee.

And so I prayed. I closed my eyes and asked for rain. I smiled as though what I’m asking for is there. I imagined the cooler weather we’d all be enjoying. I imagined enjoying my cup of coffee.

I opened my eyes with a smile upon my face and then I looked outside. The sun is shining as hot as ever, no sign of rain for me. But then I know I’m not asking for magic; I’m praying, and praying takes perfect timing to happen.

I sat and relaxed, and tried to enjoy the hot day. A little while more, I looked outside and saw a small sign of hope. There are dark clouds in the east, and if they can only move towards us, it just might rain after all.

I got in the house again and finished some chores. Still hot. After a little while more, I looked again where the dark clouds were. And they’re gone! It was no longer dark in the east. So much for my prayer.

But just then, I realized something. If the clouds I saw were no longer there, then maybe those clouds have moved! And true enough, dark clouds were already overhead, ready to pour down the rain I have prayed for.

Seconds later I felt tiny raindrops falling upon my face. What a happy feeling that had been! It wasn’t a strong rain, only a short trickle. And yet I know in my heart what I have just witnessed. That afternoon, a miracle had come true. I felt its tiny hands blessing my face and refreshing my parched and thirsty heart.


What is the story of Jesus all about?

StJohnsAshfield_StainedGlass_GoodShepherd-frame_cropThe story of Jesus is a story of love. It is the story of a God leaving behind his divinity, becoming man, becoming flesh, going through the darkness so he can save those who are lost in the dark and lead them unto the Light they do not even know. It is a story that calls us to do the same, calling us to leave behind our comforts for a while so we can rescue the lost right where they are.

It is the story of the utmost kind of sacrifice, sacrificing one’s own life in order to save many.

His story is the culmination of the unceasing love of God who never stopped seeking his people, who never gives up, who never fails to find a way to reach out and to make known to us the path of life.

The story of Jesus is a story of healing, both of the soul and of the body, soothing our pain and mending our wounds and our brokenness.

His is a story of acceptance, of welcoming those the world has made outcasts through its many prejudices. It is a story that discourages judment and condemnation, a story that allows each person to be one’s best possible self.

The story of Jesus is a story of empathy, of weeping with those who weep and of mourning with those who mourn. It is a reminder of the warmth each of us is being called to give to another, far different from the coldness and numbness the world has grown into, in its efforts to upheld the self above everything else.

The story of Jesus is a story of faith, of performing miracles and wonders the world could not believe in. For the world sees the mountain that stands in our way, but faith sees the power within us to move all mountains along the way.

The story of Jesus is a story of forgiveness. It is a story of releasing us from our burdens, of cleansing us from our troubled minds, of breaking free from the past so we could all make a fresh beginning.

The story of Jesus is a story urging as to FEAR NOT. In the midst of our worries, and of all the concerns that cripple us, Jesus proclaims trust upon the Father’s protection and care, and of living life empowered in everything that we do.

The story of Jesus is a story of sincerity. It urges us to take off our masks and seek the truth, for it is after all in truth where we can find redemption, wisdom and enlightenment.

The story of Jesus is a story of simplicity. It is where all the commandments of Moses and the prophets have been merged and simplified into two. It is where the essence of all things have been summed up in one simple word – LOVE.

The story of Jesus is a story of boldness. It is a story of standing up for what we believe in, of speaking out the truth even if the truth may hurt, even if it’s not the popular choice, even if it means not being able to please everyone.

The story of Jesus is a story of joy, of celebrating life, of enjoying the company of the people we love. It is breaking bread and eating together, of talking and sharing and of walking hand in hand.

The story of Jesus is our own story, if we could dare to make it and believe. For the good news did not end with the fourth gospel. Jesus urges us to carry on. The story of Jesus calls to each and everyone of us, COME FOLLOW ME!


Imperfectly beautiful

No doubt, this is an imperfect world. But no one can ever say that it isn’t beautiful!